Friday, July 26, 2024

To Spread Leftist Agenda, Southern Poverty Law Center Spends Heavily in Deep South

Members of the far-left Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) announced late last month that they will give more than $4.6 million to 39 voter outreach organizations across the Deep South.

This, as part of what they call Vote Your Voice grants. SPLC members have already committed to spend more than $100 million on this program elsewhere around the South.

“The grants will support voter education, registration, and mobilization, especially among communities of color. The grants add to an earlier investment of more than $11 million in two-year grants awarded last year,” according to an SPLC press release.

“Included in this round of grants are Alabama ForwardAsian Americans Advancing Justice-AtlantaEngage Miami Civic Foundation (Engage Miami), the Power Coalition and Southern Echo.”

Many of those groups’ websites are not terribly specific about their overall objectives. Engage Miami’s website, however, calls for more climate investment, housing, transit, and “divestment from police and prisons.”

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Commentators describe the SPLC as “a hate group on the left” that smears individuals and groups whose politics don’t align with their left-wing ideologies. The SPLC attaches labels such as “racist,” “white supremacist” and “extremist” to people and groups who don’t deserve them.

Dennis Prager, an SPLC target, writing for, said “all the SPLC does is politicize, and thereby trivialize, the fight against racism and other evils.”

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Writing for The Washington Post, Marc A. Thiessen, said the SPLC smears good people with false charges of bigotry.

“The SPLC is a once-storied organization that did important work filing civil rights lawsuits against the Ku Klux Klan in the 1970s,” Thiessen wrote.

“But it has become a caricature of itself, labeling virtually anyone who does not fall in line with its left-wing ideology an ‘extremist’ or ‘hate group.’”

Thiessen went on to list people the SPLC has unfairly tarnished as dangerous including The Alliance Defending Freedom, which he said “is a respected organization of conservative lawyers dedicated to defending religious liberty.”

The SPLC also considers the Family Research Council and Ben Carson “as moral equivalents of the Klan” and has thus lost its integrity and credibility.

According to its website, the SPLC is headquartered in Montgomery, Alabama. 

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