Saturday, October 26, 2024

The Senate (and other) debates, a viewer’s guide

I know what you’re thinking about political debates … you’d rather watch The Weather Channel. At least on there, there’s a 50% chance that what they say might actually happen. 

I hear you. Nevertheless, here’s a look at some of the more intriguing and important matchups worth noting. Sadly, we don’t have any office pool brackets for you to fill out, but the following are surely worthy of some  popcorn.

The Friday (Oct. 14) night fight for Senator between Georgia Republican Herschel Walker and incumbent Democrat Raphael Warnock is already over. Did Walker prove to voters he has what it takes to do the job of a U.S. Senator, given his lack of experience? Seems that way, but the verdict is still out. As has been demonstrated, anything can happen when Georgians go to vote. But does it even matter, given Walker’s vaunted status as a Georgia football legend? Perhaps not.

While you may have missed out on Herschel trying to look like a Senator, there are others that could be fun.

Given all the hullabaloo consistently surrounding Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, the debate for that office between DeSantis and former Democrat Governor Charlie Crist on Monday, Oct. 24, borders on “can’t miss” viewing. If DeSantis loses the debate or the election (both highly unlikely), he could always run for president and win that race instead (highly likely).

In Pennsylvania, the debate between Democratic U.S. Senate nominee John Fetterman and Republican opponent Dr. Mehmet Oz is scheduled for the very next night, Oct. 25. Viewers will no doubt be watching Fetterman closely to see if he seems fit for office following a stroke he suffered in May. Recent polls show the race has tightened in a contest for a seat that could determine who controls the U.S. Senate, with Oz rapidly gaining ground in recent weeks with Fetterman under fire for appearing  weak and confused at times.

The only other Senate debates on this fall’s election cycle have already concluded.

On Oct. 6, a highly contentious war of words between Democratic incumbent Mark Kelly, Republican challenger Blake Masters and Libertarian candidate Marc Victor took place in Phoenix. According to The Arizona Republic, Masters likely helped himself with the few Republicans who were previously lukewarm about him and may also have helped himself considerably with independents and those on the fence  by “forcing them to consider Kelly as the reason for their angst over the economy and border conditions.”

Colorado’s candidates for U.S. Senate have already held one blasé debate, on Oct. 12, and will hold three more, scheduled for Oct. 20, 25 and 28. Democrat Michael Bennet, holds a sizable lead in the race as the incumbent. His Republican challenger is first-time candidate Joe O’Dea, who owns a Denver construction company.

Get your popcorn, or your Red Bull, whichever you think you’ll need, ready!