Sunday, February 23, 2025

Insomnia, Racism, And Your Tax Dollars

In the “You Can’t Make It Up” category, the Left has struck again.

For years now if you disagreed with their rhetoric, you were labeled either a far-right extremist or a racist. Of course, it never occurs to them that jumping to such radical conclusions actually makes them the extremists.

Or if it has, they sure don’t seem to care.

Being born white is also a crime against humanity. I can remember when a white extremist was loathed by all races, including Caucasians. Now, the Left would have you believe that systemic racism exists and every white person is a part of it.

To any rational thinking person, this is an absurd conclusion. An obvious lie that is used to divide. Do individual incidents of racism occur? Yes, but it is necessary to remember that these are not always white on black crimes. Racism works both ways and can’t be tolerated. However, there is no systemic racism being perpetuated by any race, no matter how long and loud the left screams that it does.

The fingers of this false propaganda reach into many institutions. When you mix power with untrue narratives, wasteful studies such as the one you’re about to be exposed to are initiated.

The National institute of Health has appropriated approximately $1.2 million worth of grants over the last three years for a research project called:

“Racial disparities in police use of deadly force as a cause of racial disparities in sleep health across the life course.”

This funding was appropriated to Dr. Alexander Tsai, who is an associate professor at Harvard University. He is conducting this research in association with Massachusetts General Hospital, where he also works as a psychiatrist.

It should be noted that in a survey completed in August of this year by the Harvard Crimson, it was learned that only 1.5 percent of Harvard professors identify as conservative.

So the NIH is funding research to demonstrate that racism is the cause for poor sleep in black communities. The grant summary in the NIH database reads as follows:

“This application focuses on the police use of deadly force on unarmed black Americans as a cardinal manifestation of structural racism. The central hypothesis is that police use of deadly force on unarmed black Americans leads to unhealthy sleep among other black Americans in the general U.S. population. This hypothesis has been formulated on the basis of strong preliminary data showing that police use of deadly force on unarmed black Americans leads to poor mental health among other black Americans in the general U.S. population.”

It continues:

“The findings will have significant public health impact because they will provide proof of principle for development and targeting of structural and psychosocial interventions to reduce racial disparities in sleep health.”

When Tsai was approached with the idea that there could be many reasons for poor sleep he had this to say:

“I think it would be a reasonable scientific undertaking to attempt to quantify and compare the magnitudes of the impacts of structural racism on sleep health vs. the impacts of certain health behaviors or health risk behaviors on sleep health. From an epidemiological perspective, one of the potential problems you might encounter is that both sleep health and these behaviors could have a common cause in structural racism, or, alternatively, these health behaviors or health risk behaviors could lie in the causal pathway between structural racism and sleep health. For example, if structural racism has a causal influence on alcohol consumption, and some threshold level of alcohol consumption is thought to have an adverse causal influence on sleep health, then it would be a difficult undertaking to make a direct comparison between the racism-sleep association vs. the alcohol-sleep association.”

Gobbledygook Translation: Have too much to drink, caused by racism. Have a bad day, racism. Stay up too late, racism. Have a lot on your mind, racism. Eat too late, racism.
