Saturday, October 26, 2024

Punches, Bullets, Powder And The 2022 Midterms

The “Demorats” would love everyone to believe that they are the party of compassion. Biden, with that Cream Of Wheat brain of his, actually tried to tie the “Nothing Burger” January 6th demonstration to the fact that a lunatic, drug addicted, nudist, supposedly broke into the Pelosi compound with a hammer. We may never know the truth about what happened there. Nobody disguises the truth like the left.

Their comrades in these coverups  is the mainstream media. When they aren’t spreading outright lies and misinformation, they are distorting stories to benefit the Marxists, or totally ignoring stories that would harm them.

So here are three stories you may or may not have heard of regarding those loving “Demorats.”

Last Wednesday, Don Bolduc who is running for a New Hampshire Senate seat was attacked as he was walking to the stage for a debate. A Lunatic rushed him and took a swing trying to punch him.

Fortunately Bolduc is a retired Army Brigadier General managed to avoid the punch, proving that a 60-year-old Republican can still outmaneuver a 37-year-old idiot “Demorat.” This dirt bag is from Rhode Island, so he actually drove across state lines to attempt this.

Back on October 18th, a North Carolina Congressional candidate who has been staying at his parents house in Hickory North Carolina had a bullet penetrate a window at their house.

Pat Harrigan, a U.S. Army Special Forces veteran, is running for the open House seat in North Carolina’s new 14th District. He has two children ages 3 and 5 that were in the room above where the bullet went through. His parents were watching TV at the time. Fortunately no-one was hurt, but why is this type of behavior tolerated from the left and not reported by the media?

Harrigan has also received death threats and since this incident he has moved his family out of state. Meaning in the most stressful weeks of the campaign, he has to be separated from his family.

Still, Harrigan remains stoic:

“I’m focused on fixing the economy, lowering prices and keeping our streets safe, and it’ll take more than a bullet and death threats to knock this Green Beret off that mission.”

Lastly, just yesterday, Kari Lake had to close her campaign office when a staffer opened an envelope that contained a vulgarity filled letter, as well as an unidentified white powder.

After opening the letter, the staffer noticed another similar letter and called authorities. Law enforcement and the FBI responded and closed the office.

These intimidation tactics are common from the left. They have been empowered by the lack of significant punishment for criminal activity.

Omission can be as much of a crime as commission, and the main street media is definitely guilty of that as well.