Friday, July 26, 2024

To Meet EU Rule Compliance, Dutch Plan To Close 3,000 Farms

A new wave of crazy is blowing through the Netherlands. The Dutch government is planning on buying up to 3,000 farms in order to comply with EU climate change rules.

After all, who needs food right? As long as we make some airhead leftist’s delusion seem real.

The head lunatic orchestrating this robbery is Christianne Van Der Wal, who carries the title of “Nitrogen Minister.”

The government plans on reaching out to the farmers on a voluntary basis, but if not enough accept the offers they will then move onto what they are calling “compulsory purchases.” Essentially, an eminent domain strategy to reduce agricultural output.

The government states that it intends to offer the farmers a purchase price “well over” the property’s value in the voluntary stage before moving on to requisite purchases.

One imagines “well over” the property’s value to the government will not be the same as the land’s value from the landowner’s perspective. For one thing, farmers love their land. Many farms have been passed on for generations. To the government it is a chunk of land, but to a farmer it represents his family’s heritage as well as its future.

To this point the farmers have remained resolute against the buyouts. Most believe that the agricultural industry has been unjustly targeted.

The largest farmers lobby organization, LTO Nederland, stated that trust in the Dutch Government “has been very low for a long time.” The also accused the government of “enforcing restrictions without perspective.”

LTO chairman, Sjaak Van Der Tak stated: “Of course it’s positive that a good voluntary stop scheme is being promised, but the stayers who are central to us will have many additional restrictions imposed.”

The Netherlands is the second largest food exporter in the world. However, the government is pressing for compliance of the EU’s conservation plan. They claim that the agriculture industry is responsible for almost half of the nitrogen emitted in the country.

Will Hild, the Executive Director of Consumer Research issued this warning:

“The Netherlands war on farmers to pursue their ESG agenda serves as a stark warning. Americans should be vigilant against efforts by both government and big Wall Street firms like BlackRock pushing these same dangerous “net zero” carbon emission targets here in the U.S. It is difficult to overstate the recklessness of undermining farmers during the greatest global food crisis in decades. This will likely exacerbate the food price inflation we are already experiencing.”

Any government that pursues this insanity will soon learn what farmers have known forever.

“You reap what you sow.”