Wednesday, January 22, 2025

RADIO: Talking About The House Speaker Election With Dan Proft And Amy Jacobson In Chicago

As our readers are surely well aware, I’m a regular guest on 560 AM The Morning Answer Show in Chicago with Dan Proft and Amy Jacobson. It’s usually a follow-on development to columns I write at The American Spectator, and this is no different. Earlier this week I had a column about Kevin McCarthy’s falling-short effort to get to 218 votes to become Speaker of the House, pretty much every word of which has proven to be sage analysis, and Dan and Amy had me on to discuss developments on that front.

What’s fun is, nothing I said this morning has been proven wrong after three more rounds of inconclusive voting. McCarthy can’t get to 218 because he isn’t trusted by his detractors and that lack of credibility is now serving as what looks like a permanent barrier. But even if he can get there, you’re going to have a better, more representative Congress than you would have had without this fight.