Sunday, February 23, 2025

Project Veritas Exposes The Massive Pfizer Pf*k-Up

I love Project Veritas.

Its founder James O’Keefe understands that in a formal interview all you’re going to get is the “company line.” Sadly, in many cases, what is said is not the truth.

So, in order to get the truth, it helps if you can get under the corporate skin of an organization, get them to “let their hair down” and Project Veritas is a master at it.

Earlier this week, an undercover video was released that shows a Pfizer Director of Research and Development, Strategic Operations, mRNA Scientific Planner, discussing some of their future plans.

“One of the things we’re exploring is like, why don’t we just mutate it (Covid) ourselves so we could create, preemptively develop new vaccines, right? So, we have to do that.”

“If we’re gonna do that though, there’s a risk of like, as you could imagine, no one wants to be having a pharma company mutating f**king viruses.”

“You have to be very controlled to make sure that this virus that you mutate doesn’t create something that just goes everywhere. Which, I suspect, is the way that the virus started in Wuhan, to be honest. It makes no sense that this virus popped out of nowhere, It’s bulls***.”

Later in the week, when confronted with the video, the man freaked out. He attacked O’Keefe, and smashed his iPad. All the while squealing that he was trying “to impress someone on a date and I’m not even a scientist.”

Obviously, this vermin got caught in a trap that he himself had set. He spoke the truth and when confronted, the realization hit him, that the truth will probably cost him his job.

Should we feel sorry for him because he was exposed, Hell no.

He was quite comfortable living with the knowledge that the company he works for is considering mutating a virus to unleash on the citizens of America, but protecting his own lying, deceptive ass is what concerns him.

There are some people that think what Project Veritas does is deceptive and when they hear about one of these exposures they mentally dismiss it.

To those people, let me say this. These are dangerous and malicious plans hatched by a drug manufacturer for profit.

We are collateral damage when it comes to their personal gain and the money trail that allows for this type of deception needs to be investigated for criminal charges.

I came across a song written by Daniel Mackler and the lyrics could not be more perfect in describing the way big pharma operates today.

I suggest you listen to the song first and then go back and read the lyrics with his melody in your head.

It is beyond prophetic.

Roll On Big Pharma, Roll On

Daniel Mackler

Roll On Big Pharma, Roll On

Roll On Big Pharma, Roll On

Your motive for profit goes steam rollin on
So Roll on Big Pharma, Roll On

You’ve taught us that meds are the cure for our ills

You’ve taught us to subjugate spirt and will

For each of our symptoms you’ve made a new pill

It’s Roll On Big Pharma, Roll On

Zyprexa makes billions and Lexapro too and Xanax is hot now and Seroquel too

But when they go generic, they’ll make something new

So it’s Roll On Big Pharma, Roll On

Roll On Big Pharma, Roll On

Roll On Big Pharma, Roll On

Your motive for profits goes steam rollin’ on

So, it’s Roll On Big Pharma, Roll On

You’ve helped us rewrite all of our standards for care

To ensure that your stockholders get their fair share.

If we don’t prescribe meds then we better beware

It’s Roll on Big Pharma, Roll On

Our men of good science crawl under your wing and will skew their results to say most anything

When you pull on their puppet strings, oh how they sing

It’s roll on Big Pharma, Roll On

Roll On Big Pharma, Roll On

Roll On Big Pharma, Roll On

Your motive for profit goes steam rollin’ on

So, it’s Roll On Big Pharma, Roll On

You sponsor our conferences with all your wealth

You buried the tractors with cunning and stealth

To hell with the science, to hell with our health

It’s roll on Big Pharma, Roll On

Your army of lawyers will fight for your cause

Your lobbyists guide us to rewrite our laws

Psychiatrists everywhere earn your applause

It’s roll on Big Pharma, Roll On

Roll On Big Pharma, Roll On

Roll On Big Pharma, Roll On

Your motive for profits goes steam rollin’ on

So, it’s Roll On Big Pharma, Roll On

Your symptom suppressants have poisoned our soul

Your multi-drug combos are wreaking their toll

When everyone’s drugged, you’ll have met your grand goal

It’s roll on Big Pharma, Roll On

Our quick fix it culture now worships your meds

Your simplistic slogans have gone to our heads

But who’ll buy your products when we are all dead

It’s roll on Big Pharma, Roll On

Roll on Big Pharma Roll on, Roll on Big Pharma Roll On

Your motive for profit goes steam rollin’ on

So, Roll on Big Pharma Roll On