Friday, February 14, 2025

Huntington Beach Defies Gavin Newsom’s Low-Cost Housing Demand

As California’s governor, Gavin Newsom seems to enjoy inflicting sadistic misery on the state’s citizens. The punishment has been manifested in a variety of ways, including rolling blackouts, crushing taxes, draconian Covid restrictions, land grabs, reparations advocacy, free college for illegal aliens, and most recently, a $29 billion budget deficit.

Yet, Newsom doesn’t seem satisfied with the fruits of his labor, so he’s embarked on a concerted effort to bring all the joy of his derelict cities into the suburbs. You see, according to the governor and his woke cronies, the crime, panhandling drug addicts, aggressive derelicts, tent cities and excrement on sidewalks isn’t a result of psychotic policies in Democrat-controlled cities. In fact, as you sit smugly in your well-kept, safe neighborhoods, Newsom wants you to understand that you’re the problem.

In woke world, misery is an inherent human condition, and if you’re not miserable, it’s because you’ve prospered at the expense of someone else, probably a minority, gay or trans person. If you’ve worked hard, managed your money and were able to move away from California’s Mad Max dystopian cities, Newsom has placed a target directly on your back.

Happiness makes Woke angry because there is too much injustice in the world to waste time being happy, and Gavin Newsom is determined to do something about it.

The Attack on California’s Small Cities

On September 16, 2021, Newsom signed a series of bills (SB8, SB9 and SB10) that provided over $22 billion for the express purpose of bringing low-cost housing into the suburbs. Newsom wants to make sure that you understand there is nowhere to run or hide to escape the desolation and anguish his misguided woke policies have brought to the cities. If you won’t come to the city, Newsom is going to bring the city to you.

In essence, the punitive part of these insidious laws punishes non-cooperative municipalities by cutting off essential funds required to keep small suburban towns operating efficiently. The state’s 482 cities are now required to submit quota plans to identify areas that can be developed for low and moderate-income housing projects.

Huntington Beach Will not Comply

Huntington Beach City Councilman Pat Burns said in a letter to his colleagues, “The city has a duty to protect the quality and lifestyle of the neighborhoods that current owners have already bought into and for the future sustainability of Huntington Beach. Radical redevelopment in already-established residential neighborhoods is not only a threat to quality and lifestyle, but to the value of the adjacent and neighboring properties.”

There was nothing inflammatory about the statement Burns made. He is simply echoing the sentiments of his constituents. Huntington Beach, or any middle-class suburb for that matter, does not want to import Big City failures just to relieve the burden of homelessness that Los Angeles, San Francisco, Oakland and San Diego have brought upon themselves. Burns is doing his job by protecting property values and his constituents’ quality of life.

That someone was standing up for the rights of their citizens didn’t sit well with Governor Hair Gel. Newsom was quick to offer a sinister, condescending tweet.

“Tonight, Huntington Beach leaders decided that their residents don’t need affordable housing. This is a pathetic pattern by politicians more focused on taking down pride flags than on real solutions. California needs more housing. Time for Huntington Beach to start acting like it.”

Newsom doubled down a few days later when Attorney General Rob Banta filed a lawsuit against Huntington Beach on behalf of the governor.

“The City of Huntington Beach continues to attempt to evade their responsibility to build housing, but they will simply not win. City leaders have a choice — build more housing or face very real consequences — including loss of state funds, substantial fines, and loss of local control.”

In other words, city leaders have a choice, but it’s with a gun to their head: knuckle under and agree to accept violent crime, substandard schools, drugs, abhorrent behavior and declining property values into your city… or else.

However, don’t worry if you’re living in the upscale communities of Montecito or Summerland, where residents are rich and strongly Democratic. Apparently, because these communities are in an unincorporated area, like many wealthy, sanctimonious woke enclaves, they are not affected by the state mandate.

Whew. For a second, I was worried Oprah, Rob Reiner, Ellen DeGeneres, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle might be getting new neighbors, but as luck would have it, I guess not.

Joe Biden Likes Newsom’s Plan

Pay attention America, because as you know, as California goes, so goes the nation. Slow Joe Biden, or at least whoever is controlling him, is paying very close attention to how events unfold in California. In fact, Biden has a plan in place that almost mirrors Newsom’s.

In September 2021, the White House issued a fact sheet that announced a series of steps designed to increase the percentage of low-cost housing options is small cities and suburban towns across the nation. Frankly, some of the goals are laudable, especially in areas related to preferential financing for non-investor families. No one denies there is a housing shortage, especially for first-time buyers. The explosion of institutional investors has kept inventories tight and reduced opportunities for families looking to purchase a home to live in.

However, as usually happens when Democrats get involved, a worthwhile effort morphed into a nightmarish Obama policy called, Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing. The regulation, which was killed by Trump and revived by Biden, attempts to mitigate the issue of low-cost housing by requiring local jurisdictions to develop plans ensuring minority groups are suitably represented in municipalities.

Howard Husock of the American Enterprise Institute had this to say about the proposed rule:

“Local jurisdictions receiving HUD funds would seem to have grounds to sue to block the proposed rule, which would impose new requirements to receive previously accepted funds continent and new requirements. In 2012, the court overturned the portion of the Affordable Care Act requiring states to expand Medicaid for that reason. Justices Elena Kagan and Stephen Breyer concurred.”

Be Aware of What Leaders in Your Community are Planning

Regardless of their profile, politicians at every level like money because it’s the highest form of power. It’s easy to envision local politicians, threatened with punitive measures from Washington, caving into Biden’s plan to implement the horrific measures California is pursuing to destroy the history, culture and unique way of life communities across the country have created.

Don’t be fooled into believing this issue is about equal opportunity or systemic racism. No one who opposes these laws and regulations wants to deprive minorities of sufficient affluence the right to move into any neighborhood they can afford. This is entirely about power, control and easing the burden of homelessness on the cities that created it.

Be aware that this is coming to your community and prepare accordingly.