Saturday, March 15, 2025

They Use It Constantly, But The Left Still Doesn’t Understand The Term “Racist”

No matter how many excuses they offer, Marion Wilson IS a Flat Out Racist!

Wilson is the Superintendent of Schools in District 31 of New York City. For the record she is black, which is the ONLY reason she can get away with making these statements.

Screenshots of the emails were sent to David Banks, Chancellor of the New York City School System, the largest school system in the country. The emails were forwarded by two principals from an encrypted email address, [email protected].

One tweet reads:

“I need to clean up this Island. White folks need to recognize this is not the boys club anymore. A strong black woman runs this bitch now and they can either get on board or get out. If they don’t get out I’m going to take them out one by one. They’re not gonna know what hit them.”

“Gonna be fun.”

In another text, Wilson celebrated the getting rid of one director of School Support and Operations in District 31, a white male Christopher Anzalone, and replacing him with a white female, Christine Loughlin.

“Chris’s white ass is G-O-N-E! It’s happening.” (Referring to Anzalone)

Then: “I agreed to take C.L. She won’t cause issues. If anything she’ll keep the white folks off my back, that was the only thing Chris was really good for.” (Referring to taking Loughlin)

Wilson’s reference to “taking” Christine Loughlin was because she was removed by Chancellor Banks as superintendent of District 3 in Manhattan.

In another text Wilson reportedly stated, “No more white principals on my watch!”

This story has been around since August of last year. The texts were first investigated by the New York City Special Commissioner for Investigation (SCI), then in October the investigation was passed onto the New York City Department of Education (NYCDOE).

Nathanial Styer, a spokesperson for NYCDOE, tried to dismiss the entire issue. In a statement to the Staten Island Advance, Styer had this to say, “This story has been kicking around since August, and it’s not true. SCI is not investigating her. SCI is investigating fake texts and spoofing.”

However, an SCI spokesperson was quick to respond to Styer.

“That is not an SCI statement, and DOE should know better than to speculate on confidential investigations being conducted by SCI. Regardless, DOE’s press office does not speak for SCI. SCI’s statement was that we do not confirm or discuss matters that are pending,”

Wilson, does have supporters, including the United Federation of Teachers. Sean Rotkowitz , the Staten Island Representative for UFT had this to say:

“Dr. Wilson cares deeply about our students and school communities. One of her talents is her ability to bring people together behind the common cause of raising student achievement in all our schools.”

Still, Wilson has a reputation of voicing her intentions of hiring “BIPOC,” black, indigenous, people of color to work in Staten Island Schools. A Brooklyn principal that remained anonymous stated it this way:

“Many assistant principals and principals have voiced comments made by the District 31 superintendent about hiring only black administrators for vacancies. Many administrators with tenure who live in Staten Island have left for other districts.”

Not much has been reported about this story and the reasons are obvious. The combination of foot dragging and denial, age old liberal tactics are hard at work.

Actions speak louder than words, but in this case both are screaming.

The question? … Is anyone listening?