Sunday, February 09, 2025

Justin Jones and What the Lovestruck Media Overlooks

Writerโ€™s Note: This is the first part of a three-part series about former Tennessee legislator Justin Jones and his history of left-wing activism.

Before most of you knew his name, I realized five years ago that Justin Jones was a liar and a race baiter.

I also realized that Justin Jones is charismatic, a gifted communicator who can attract a large following, and would likely go places.

Jones, of course, is the now-former state representative from Tennessee, expelled this week after he more or less led a riot at the state capitol to try to (unsuccessfully) strong-arm supermajority Republicans to pass gun control.  

In the fall of 2018, I covered a Marsha Blackburn for Senate event at the Ray Stevens CabaRay Showroom in Nashville. U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) was the keynote speaker.

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I and many other people in town were familiar with Jones and his antics. Heโ€™s a local activist who loves to disrupt GOP gatherings. But the Blackburn rally was a private affair. Jones somehow snuck in. Security recognized him and asked him to leave.

Instead of leaving, Jones pulled out his smartphone, livestreamed the exchange with the security guard on Facebook and accused the guard, to his face, of racism.

As either Blackburn or Graham spoke (I cannot remember who), Jones, as expected, disrupted the proceedings. He screamed. He yelled. Security grabbed him. Jones resisted. Security officers struggled but finally escorted him from the building.

Minutes later, Jones made another Facebook livestream where he claimed law enforcement threw him to the ground and hit him. He denied having any kind of outburst that would have prompted security to remove him. Jones said he feared for his life. He said security only removed him because of the color of his skin.

As is Jonesโ€™ modus operandi, he told lie after lie after lie after lie.

But as far as the establishment press and state and national Democrats are concerned, Jones is the flavor of the month. Just this week, he held a private audience with President Joe Biden and then Vice President Kamala Harris. I predict that before the month is out The Late Show With Stephen Colbert will book him to appear.  

But Iโ€™m not sure even they would want anything to do with him if they knew about his past, which corporate media will no doubt try to scrub from the official record.

Jones and his groupies harass Republican state legislators, and, make no mistake, for them this is a crusade. Jones and his disciples once staged an angry sit-in in one female GOP legislatorsโ€™ office. She had to arrange for her husband to stay with her so sheโ€™d feel safe.   

GOP legislators sometimes cannot dine out in peace without Jones confronting them and lecturing them about white supremacy, gun control, etc.

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Jones has held up signs at the state capitol demanding to know which chapter of the KKK that GOP legislators affiliate with.

Jones slanders or libels many people on the right as white supremacists and, in so doing, burned bridges with former colleagues and, even worse, whips his followers into an angry hysteria.

One Republican who felt threatened, who wasnโ€™t a state legislator but instead a capitol staff member, told me he believed Jones and his groupies followed him around town. But these are among only a few of the examples of Jonesโ€™ bullying tactics. The story gets worse.

Part Two of this series will document Justin Jonesโ€™ origins, his history of assaulting state legislators, and that he is not, as the media says, a peaceful protestor.

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