Friday, March 14, 2025

Someone Please Explain Two Words To San Francisco State University … Woman And Peaceful

Two weeks ago I wrote an article about how far women have fallen in the eyes of woke leftists. In that column it was pointed out how hard the left is leaning into drag shows, which are nothing more than gay men dressed flamboyantly as women. Very rarely is there an actual woman involved, and on the rare occasion that there is, she has to dress and behave just as flamboyantly so she appears to be a man, dressed as a woman.

The article also highlighted how the left hates anything that is traditional, which sadly includes women that have chosen to stay at home and raise their children. Liberals view women that make that choice as losers. You’re not disrupting anything by staying home, plus your taking care of children and most likely raising them with traditional values.

However, the main focus of that piece was to bring to light the disturbing trend of transgenders being allowed to compete against women in sports. Nothing shows more blatant disregard to biological women than to force them to compete against biological men. This concept is not a difficult one to comprehend, yet the left shows total indifference to the women that are being damaged by allowing this to happen. This is so out of control that woke ESPN and the USA Today have both named transgenders as their women of the year.

Last Thursday, Riley Gaines was a guest speaker at San Francisco State University. She was there to speak about the unfairness of allowing transgenders to compete in women’s sports. Gaines was a championship swimmer while attending college at the University of Kentucky. During her time there she was a twelve-time NCAA All American Swimmer and a five-time SEC champion. However, in March of last year she had to compete against Lia Thomas a biological male that the NCAA allowed to compete against females.

During Gaines’s speech the crowd in the room was apparently respectful. Gaines actually tweeted that good dialogue took place in what she described as being a diverse crowd. That all changed after she finished speaking. As she was chased and harassed by a pro transgender crowd that was waiting outside of the room.

Gaines was allegedly swung at and shoved several times and had to be hurriedly escorted into a safe room to avoid the dangerous crowd. She was held captive in that room for three hours, while the crowd screamed, chanted, and swore at her just outside the door. At one point they offered to let her leave if she paid them and called herself a transgender. You have to ask yourself, where was the school security during this outrageous display? It wasn’t until the city police arrived to disperse the crowd that Gaines was able to safely leave.

As galling as this behavior was, the woke, liberal response was infuriating. Jamillah Moore, ED.D., who is the Vice President for Student Affairs and Enrollment Manager in a total distortion of the truth, actually praised the attacking crowd in an email following the event.

“Dear SF State community,   

Today, San Francisco State finds itself again at the center of a national discussion regarding freedom of speech and expression. Let me begin by saying clearly: the trans community is welcome and belongs at San Francisco State University. Further, our community fiercely believes in unity, connection, care, and compassion, and we value different ideas, even when they are not our own. SF State is regularly noted as one of the most diverse campuses in the United States, this is what makes us Gators, and this is what makes us great. Diversity promotes critical discussions, new understandings and enriches the academic experience. But we may also find ourselves exposed to divergent views and even views we find personally abhorrent. These encounters have sometimes led to discord, anger, confrontation, and fear. We must meet this moment and unite with a shared value of learning.  

Thank you to our students who participated peacefully in Thursday evening’s event. It took tremendous bravery to stand in a challenging space. I am proud of the moments where we listened and asked insightful questions. I am also proud of the moments when our students demonstrated the value of free speech and the right to protest peacefully. These issues do not go away, and these values are very much at our core.  

This feels difficult because it is difficult. As you reflect, process, and begin to heal, please remember that there are people, resources, and services available and ready to receive our Gator community, including faculty, staff members, coaches and mentors who are here to support you.    

Campus resources are also available: 

1Equity and Community Inclusion 

1Counseling and Psychological Services  

1Dean of Students Office   

The well-being of the SF State campus community remains our priority.    

Sincerely,  Jamillah Moore, Ed.D.  Vice President for Student Affairs & Enrollment Management”

I have italicized and underlined what I consider to be the most idiotic portion of Moore’s email. Although, all of it comes off as a complete denial of the truth. Does this liberal simpleton really believe that coddling an assaulting mob will make things better?

I mean really, your community is caring and values different ideas? No, your community hates any view that doesn’t coincide with yours. Views that you find personally abhorrent can lead to discord anger and confrontation? That’s true, but it is your community that is creating the discord, anger, and confrontation. Your proud that your community values free speech and the right to protest peacefully? Wrong again. Your community does not value free speech, or the right to protest peacefully. If it did, violent mobs that hold guest speakers hostage for three hours, threatening them the entire time wouldn’t exist. As you reflect, process, and begin to heal there are resources to help? Heal from what? You had a guest speaker on your campus that came to discuss maintaining women’s rights against things like forcing women to compete against men. Is that one of the abhorrent views that you reference? Really? Does that view justify assaulting the speaker, holding her hostage in fear for hours, and causing her to miss her plane home?

I have a news flash for Moore, you need to take a hard look at “the community” that you are so proud of, as well as the totally unrealistic perspective in which you view them. Nothing that happened after Riley Gaines finished her speech is something you can be proud of. Thuggery, violence, and threats do not equal inclusion or acceptance.

After releasing this statement, Moore took her tweets private and had the gutless audacity to “block” Riley Gaines.

Gaines responded by tweeting:

“The woman who released the statement following the riot where I was verbally and physically assaulted at SFSU (to which she called peaceful) blocked me. I guess it’s easier for her to ignore me than to denounce violence against women. She wont be able to ignore my lawsuit.”

Nope, she can’t ignore that.