Sunday, February 23, 2025

The Spectacle Podcast: The Hole In Our Soul

This episode of The Spectacle Podcast isn’t about politics, though Melissa Mackenzie, publisher of The American Spectator, and Scott McKay, TAS Contributing Editor and publisher of both and, are always going to touch on that subject when they get together.

It’s actually about morality.

For both Melissa and Scott, much has been lost with the careening of our culture into uncharted territory. And the major issue confronting not just American society but that of all of Western civilization is the loss of religion and with it the moral foundation.

This shows up in parenting, in childhood, in education, in popular culture, in politics…everything. And it’s a major reason why Americans over 35 or 40 feel like they don’t much recognize our country lately.

Great and important books are discussed, current events are contextualized, and – dare we say it – enlightenment is had. It’s a must-see episode of the podcast, and one you shouldn’t just watch but share to everyone you know!