Wednesday, January 22, 2025

VIDEO: Kennedy Says Biden Keeps Discovering ‘Innovative Ways To Suck’

This is entertaining, and it’s an appearance on a Sean Hannity program last night in front of an audience, so there’s a live laugh track to it which gives it a certain show-biz flair, but Sen. John Kennedy’s points on the abysmal performance of Joe Biden are applause-worthy. Related commentary below…

The poll Hannity references at the beginning of the interview was an eye-popping disaster for Joe Biden…

Only a third of Americans in a new CNN poll released on Thursday said President Biden deserves to be reelected.

Just 32 percent of respondents said the president should be reelected, down from 37 percent in a December poll. Another 67 percent in Thursday’s poll said they believe Biden does not deserve to be reelected.

While Biden has yet to announce his reelection bid, he has repeatedly indicated that he plans to run again in 2024. The only Democratic candidate to launch a challenge thus far is progressive self-help author Marianne Williamson.

Among Democrat and Democrat-leaning independent respondents, a slightly larger share — 44 percent — said Biden should be the party’s candidate in 2024. Of those who want a different candidate, 69 percent said they just want “someone besides Joe Biden.”

Democratic voters are evenly split on whether Biden represents the party’s best chance at winning the presidency, with 49 percent on either side, the CNN poll found.

This is as bad as it’s been since Biden took office, and it’s been pretty awful throughout – especially since the disastrous pullout from Afghanistan the administration is covering up with a new report that touts its wonderful performance in losing a war. That didn’t go over too well when Fox News’ Peter Doocy took after spokesliar John Kirby on it yesterday…

That’s unlikely to help Biden’s approval rating. It starts to look like the American people are getting sick of the gaslighting by the Kirbys of the world.

And that’s why Kennedy ranks Biden right up there with jock itch in the public’s esteem.

The real problem now becomes whether the people who can’t stomach Biden are willing to do something about it – and whether the GOP is able to provide what they believe is an actionable, viable solution next year.