Tuesday, October 08, 2024

As Biden Falters, Trump Looks Even Better

In politics today, the biggest rock star remains Donald Trump and it is not even close. At the “Faith and Freedom” conference last weekend, President Trump received thunderous applause.

When one of his rivals for the 2024 GOP presidential nomination, former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, criticized him, he was loudly booed. In contrast, when North Carolina Lt. Governor Mark Robinson, a rising GOP star, endorsed Trump, the crowd cheered and rose to their feet.

Among Americans, Trump is the main attraction, the candidate with the most support and the unquestioned leader in the 2024 race for the White House. According to the latest Harvard CAPS-Harris poll, Trump leads President Joe Biden by a margin of 45-39%.

In the Republican Party race for the 2024 presidential nomination, Trump is only getting stronger. In the latest NBC News poll, Trump has doubled his lead over Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, compared to the April survey results.

What is amazing is that Trump leads despite a dizzying array of hurdles placed in front of him by his Deep State enemies. The latest challenge is a 37-count federal indictment stemming from the investigation into classified documents recovered from his Florida estate.

The Deep State has tried everything to derail Donald Trump from the day he descended the “golden escalator” in 2015 to announce his presidential candidacy.

In the 2016 race, he received horrible media coverage, spying on his campaign and outright dirty tricks with the revelation of the “Access Hollywood” tape right before the election.

Fortunately, none of the abuse prevented his election as President, but the mistreatment did not stop. He never received a honeymoon as President, in fact, many Democrats boycotted his inauguration and immediately called for his impeachment.

As President, the Deep State continued spying, unleashed by the phony Steele dossier, and authorized by a series of improper “FISA” warrants. His presidency was hounded by a special counsel with a staff of partisan Democrats who spent two years investigating him but found nothing to charge him.

Thereafter, he was impeached for a “perfect” phone call to the Ukrainian President and saddled with a worldwide pandemic originating in China, a country who wanted to deal with anyone else but Donald Trump in the White House. Trump was the first President who negotiated pro-American trade deals with China and was working to return manufacturing to our country.

The pandemic created the environment for the controversial 2020 presidential election, which was characterized by unprecedented use of mail-in ballots, drop boxes, and ballot harvesting. There were also a multitude of questions about voting machines and improper federal government involvement to suppress stories on social media about Hunter Biden’s infamous “Laptop from Hell.”

In this whirlpool of election complaints, Joe Biden became the President-elect. Not surprisingly, millions of Trump supporters were furious, which led to a massive protest in Washington D.C. on January 6, 2021. Almost all these participants were peaceful and were protesting what they viewed as a tainted election. In fact, President Trump gave a speech in which he called on protesters to “peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard.”

Even though President Trump did not call for violence, he was impeached by partisan Democrats in Congress for a second time. His actions were “investigated” by a sham House committee organized solely to inflict political damage on President Trump. Currently, his actions on January 6th are also being investigated by the same special counsel who just issued an indictment against him for classified documents at his home.

In the past year, his Mar-a-Lago home has been raided by a swarm of federal agents, an unprecedented move against a former President of the United States. Trump has also been indicted twice and sued by a woman who claimed he sexually assaulted her decades ago. More indictments could come from a Fulton County, Georgia grand jury and the special counsel, while the New York Attorney General pursues a civil fraud case.

All these Trump investigations are totally unfair and partisan and are being conducted by either the left-wing Department of Justice or Democrat prosecutors in “blue” districts.

Americans understand that President Trump has been treated unfairly from the beginning. Despite being surveilled, constantly investigated, and marred with false allegations of “Russian collusion,” his administration was extremely successful.

The Trump record of achievement stands in stark contrast to the disaster known as the Biden administration. A new NBC News poll shows only 20% of Americans believe the country is going in the “right direction,” while an astounding 74% believe our nation is on the “wrong track.” Even worse for Biden, 68% of Americans believe he does not possess the necessary mental and physical health to be president.”

While Biden is faltering on every level, and his radical policies are failing, President Trump is looking much better in comparison. Americans remember that Trump achieved energy independence, a secure border, a strong economy, a strong military, and respect throughout the world. Under President Trump peace deals were being reached while our country entered no new wars.

President Trump destroyed ISIS and talked to all our adversaries, including North Korean dictator Kim Jung-Un. Under Biden, our military is suffering from a recruiting crisis, our economy is dealing with high inflation and interest rates, our border is wide open, and the world is in chaos.

The sad truth is that the world is closer to nuclear war than at any point since the Cuban Missile Crisis. Biden was supposedly a foreign policy expert, but his policies did not prevent the Russian invasion of Ukraine and his administration has been unwilling to offer diplomatic solutions to reduce tensions.

If Donald Trump were in the White House today, the world would be safer, and America would be stronger. The former President who is dealing with multiple indictments and ongoing investigations and has survived two impeachments, two special counsel investigations, and an FBI raid on his home, is undoubtedly our nation’s best hope to avert disaster. 

Jeff Crouere is a native New Orleanian and his award-winning program, “Ringside Politics,” airs Saturdays from Noon until 1 p.m. CT nationally on Real America’s Voice TV Network AmericasVoice.News and weekdays from 7-11 a.m. CT on WGSO 990-AMWgso.com. He is a political columnist, the author of America’s Last Chance and provides regular commentaries on the Jeff Crouere YouTube channel and on Crouere.net. For more information, email him at [email protected].