Friday, March 14, 2025

Kennedy: Biden making appliances more expensive, less effective

One of our favorite congressional (senatorial, to be more precise) moments from relatively recent American history was the exchange between Sen. Rand Paul and a faceless bureaucrat from the Obama administration who marched straight into a buzzsaw when Paul tore into her on the restriction of choices of consumer appliances and equipment, like lightbulbs and toilets, through stupid regulations…

That happened in 2011. It was one of Paul’s first big moments in the Senate, and it was glorious.

Unfortunately, what it wasn’t was transformational. The federal government never did back down from its idiotic and punitive regulations of consumer products, though the Trump administration did manage at least a partial reprieve while in office.

The reprieve was not long-lasting, and in fact, under the Obama Redux administration of Joe Biden the “busybodies” Paul so eloquently excoriated are back at it, worse than ever.

And that encouraged Paul’s colleague John Kennedy to take to the floor of the Senate today to renew the assault on stupid governmental regulations. This is a 23-minute tour de force, and it touches all the correct chords on governmental stupidity and the damage it does.
