Saturday, February 22, 2025

Merrick Garland Really Doesn’t Want You Criticizing His Department

Attorney General Merrick Garland is mad at all of us. He doesn’t like it when we question his Justice Department. He even says that we are even threatening democracy itself by doing that.

As commentator Stephen L. Miller points out, Garland is part of the reason why more and more of us are questioning the Justice Department.

Let’s review something very important first. When leftists talk about “muh democracy”, 99.9% of the time they don’t really think that fascism is on the way (communism, by contrast, is something they would welcome.) No, when they talk about “muh democracy”, they’re talking about leftism being in danger. One of the basic tenants of leftism is that we should be ruled by the Deep State which is accountable to no one and is above criticism. Just the very act of criticizing Merrick Garland and his department is a threat to them.

We have many reasons why we are criticizing the corrupt Merrick Garland and his department. We are criticizing a two-tiered justice system that allows people like Hunter Biden to get away without any serious punishment for their gun and tax crimes. If Hunter Biden was William Hunter from Washington, D.C. and he was accused of the things Hunter Biden was accused of, he would not get a sweetheart plea deal from Garland’s Justice Department. Instead, he would be thrown under a federal prison. Most thinking people realize that Hunter Biden got his sweetheart plea deal because he is the son of the president of the United States.

Garland presides over a Justice Department that does not serve the entire nation. Instead, it has been weaponized against half of the country. This is a Justice Department that decided to target traditional Catholics as “violent extremists.” At the same time, this is a Justice Department that has been uninterested in prosecuting or even investigating acts of vandalism by pro-abortion extremists against churches and crisis pregnancy centers. This is a Justice Department that acts as the foot soldiers of the woke mob that is opposed to any kind of traditional and conservative Christianity.

When Garland and his Justice Department are not persecuting traditional Catholics, Christians, and pro-lifers they are investigating parents at the behest of school boards that want to teach gender ideology, wokism, and keep pornography in schools. Instead of serving as the guardians of justice and the American people, Garland’s Justice Department has been weaponized against American dissidents and essentially serves as the protectors of the Deep State.

If Garland does not want his precious Justice Department to be criticized by the American people, his department needs to change the way it conducts itself. Instead of protecting the Deep State, the Bidens, and others from accountability, maybe it should allow an honest investigation of them to continue. Perhaps it should focus more on just conservative moms who don’t like what their kids are being exposed to in schools. Finally, it should leave traditional Catholics alone and go after those who are attacking pro-lifers. After all, isn’t it supposed to be “equal justice under the law?”