Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Open Mouth Insert Pride Flag, General Admits Choosing Trans Over Qualified Officer Candidates

Sometimes the radical left just can’t help overplaying their biologically irrational hands. Seriously, all of the transgender bullsh*t has gotten totally out of hand. I have said it before and I’m going to continue to say it, we are talking about .004 percent of the population, so ask yourself why would the left torture the American public with this nonsense? The answer is that causing a constant disruption and chaos is an integral part of the left’s agenda. They are trying to get under America’s skin and to numb our moral senses.

To illustrate a recent example of how reckless the left is when it comes to their “trans-agenda,” let me introduce you to General DeAnna M. Burt.

Burt, a U.S. Space Force commander, admitted that she chooses officers based on the lefts woke agenda that favors transgender candidates for the sake of … wait for it … “transformational cultural change.” Burt made the statement while speaking at a Department of Defense (DOD) LGBTQ pride event.

“When I look at potential candidates, say for Squadron command, I strive to match the right person to the right job. I consider their job performance and relevant experience first. However, I also look at their personal circumstances, and their family is also an important factor. If a good match for a job does not feel safe being themselves and performing at their highest potential at a given location, or if their family could be denied critical health care due to the laws in that state, I am compelled to consider a different candidate, perhaps less qualified.”

Now, understand that this is a General that is openly admitting a bias based on a leftist agenda. Even going as far as to politicize the laws of particular states governed by Republican legislatures that pass laws prohibiting unnecessary mutilation surgeries on minors, as an excuse to choose candidates that are “less qualified.”

Burt went as far as to suggest that by not graveling to this minute minority of the population that it is “dangerous for service members, their families, and the readiness of the force as a whole.”

Really, but I guess that your decision to choose less qualified candidates in some way strengthens the U.S. fighting force.

William Thibeau is the director of the American Military Project at the Claremont Institute. In his opinion, Burt has clearly violated the Hatch Act. He tweeted this about the incident.

“At a Department of Defense event, a uniformed officer opines on laws passed by duly elected state legislatures. Not that I expect law enforcement action.”

He went on to prophesize that if the Biden administration, “aligns themselves with a progressive social agenda, we will cross a chasm into legitimate social breakdown.”

I used to struggle trying to rationalize why the left couldn’t see the societal unrest they were causing. Then it dawned on me, they know exactly what they are doing and they simply don’t care. The left passed being weird long ago, they are corrupt, manipulating, and dangerous.

Play time is over with the left, and we all need to grasp that reality.