Sunday, February 23, 2025

Speech Has Never Been Free And The Price Is Rising

Freedom of speech has always been an enigma. People love to use the “freedom of speech” card as a platform when they have something to say. They clearly understand they’re right to speak but can’t seem to grasp the idea of others speaking freely. Even more disturbing is that everyone’s right to speak was never free. That right was earned through endless struggles, both on a worldwide scale and within our own nation. Those struggles are saturated not only in sweat and tears, but in pain, blood, and death.

No, the right to speak freely isn’t a gift, it was earned, and because the price was so high anyone or anything threatening it needs to be stopped. Right now, the right to speak freely is under attack globally. The far left are masters at projecting contradictions, lies and confusion. They don’t want engage in discussions, they want to dictate and then enforce their agenda.

Just recently, a liberal judge in Massachusetts ruled that a twelve-year-old 7th grader could not wear a shirt declaring that there were only two genders. However, shirts promoting the LGTBQ are allowed.

In Pennsylvania, a Christian was arrested for holding a sign that read “God said Go and Sin No More” and shouting Bible verses across the street from a pride parade.

Fox News has decided to dictate where Jeanine Pirro can attend or speak on her book signing tour. Strongly warning her against appearing at multiple conservative religious and political events.

Colleges, where the right to speak freely is supposed to be celebrated, have become areas of danger and intimidation. Last month, Riley Gaines, a fantastic medal winning collegiate swimmer, was essentially held hostage for hours by a leftist mob while speaking at San Francisco State. Her crime: speaking against allowing men to compete in women’s sports. Meanwhile, the University of Pittsburgh has demanded that conservative students pay $18,734 in security and damage fees after a mob of 250 leftist protesters rioted at their scheduled event, a debate between conservative and liberal speakers.

How serious is the threat? J.B. Shurk, who writes for the Gatestone Institute, believes that if the trend continues it could mean the end of America. He pointed out that:

“Media polling from Harvard-Harris showing that Americans hold almost diametrically opposing viewpoints from those that news corporations predominantly broadcast as the official ‘truth.”

He went on to state that: “Americans have correctly concluded that with the “Russia Hoax” and suppressing reported influence peddling in Hunter Biden’s laptop, journalists and spies advanced a “fraud” on voters as part of an effort to censor a damaging story and help Biden win.”

Jonathon Turley, A professor at George Washington University, a college that recently bowed to leftists and allowed them to remove the nickname and mascot of the school said:

“Under the current approach to journalism, it is the New York Times that receives a Pulitzer for a now debunked Russian collusion story rather than the New York Post for a now proven Hunter Biden laptop story.”

Shurk also alerted us to some sleight of hand that the devious Biden administration pulled on American citizens:

“The government apparently took the public’s censorship concerns so seriously, that it quietly moved on from the collapse of its plans for a disinformation governance board within the DHS and proceeded within the space of a month to create a new “disinformation” office known as the Foreign Malign Influence Center, which now operates from within the Office of the Director of National Intelligence. Although ostensibly geared toward countering information warfare arising from “foreign” threats, one of its principal objectives is to monitor and control “public opinion and behaviors.”

Shurk also exposed that Democratic Senator Michael Bennet has decided that the best approach is one similar to the German Brown shirts or Russian KGB. Reporting that:

“Bennet has already proposed a bill that would create a Federal Digital Platform Commission with ‘the authority to promulgate rules, impose civil penalties, hold hearings, conduct investigations, and support research.'”

“Now that the government has fully inserted itself into the news and information industry, the criminalization of free speech is a very real threat. This has always been a chief complaint against international institutions such as the World Economic Forum that spend a great deal of time, power, and money promoting the thoughts and opinions of an insular cabal of global leaders, while showing negligible respect for the personal rights and liberties of the billions of ordinary citizens they claim to represent.”

Shurk continued with his frightening, but sadly true assessment:

“In an America now plagued with the stench of official snitch lines, censorship of certain presidential candidates, widespread online surveillance, a resurrected disinformation governance board, and increasingly frequent criminal prosecutions targeting Americans who exercise their free speech, the question is not whether what we inaudibly think or say in our sleep will someday be used against us, but rather how soon that day will come unless we stop it.”

“Now, however, what was once observed from some distance has made its way home; it feels as if a faraway communist enemy has finally stormed America’s beaches and come ashore in force. Not a day seems to go by without some new battlefront opening up in the war on free speech and free thought. The Richard Stengel of the Council on Foreign Relations has been increasingly vocal about the importance of journalists and think tanks to act as “primary provocateurs” and “propagandists” who have to manipulate the American population and shape the public’s perception of world events.”

He states that the woke radical Biden administration, “is pursuing a policy that would make it unlawful to use data and datasets that reflect accurate information yet lead to discriminatory outcomes for “protected classes. In other words, if the data is perceived to be “racist,” it must be expunged.”

Shurk concluded with a reminder that Biden’s DHS:

“has been exposed for paying tens of millions of dollars to third-party anti-terrorism programs that have not so coincidentally equated Christians, Republicans, and philosophical conservatives to Germany’s Nazi Party. It is clear that not only has the war on free speech come to America, but also that it is clobbering Americans in a relentless campaign of shock and awe.”

The right to speak freely was won for all people, of every generation. Leftist, woke restrictions cannot override the human right to free speech unless we allow it. Let me remind you that by far and away, the majority of Americans support common sense conservative values.

Do not be hypnotized by a bought and paid for media, corrupt politicians and leftist freaks that think they can magically change their sex.

To quote the great George Orwell, “If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.”

The left doesn’t want to hear the truth and they certainly wont debate it, because they will lose. Therefore, don’t be intimidated into silence. Stay loud and stay strong. Never forget the price that has been paid for your right to freely speak what must be said for our nation to survive.