Saturday, October 05, 2024

The Left’s Idea Of Progress Is Segregation

They say everyone is good at something and that’s even true about the left. The left has perfected hypocrisy and failure, which they have renamed as progress. There are an endless stream of examples but let’s focus on the most recent and one of the most blatant.

Evanston Township High School, which is just twelve miles outside of Chicago, is going to permanently continue a program that “segregates” students by race and gender identity. Specifically, the school has coined the term “Qrunch” to designate a separate lunch period on Tuesdays and Thursdays that can only be attended by “queer” students. On Mondays, they segregated even further by providing a separate lunch period for “queer” black and brown students.

To absolutely no-one’s surprise, a supreme leftist narcissist named Quinton Clemons, a groomer that refers to himself as a “proud queer educator,” has somehow been allowed to perpetrate this farce.

I have many issues with this, so let’s start with the basics. First, can the segregation be any more blatant? I mean, they’re not even trying to hide the fact that they are deliberately separating impressionable high school students by race and fraudulent gender identity.

Second, how did a program like this ever become a reality? This proves the depth of the depravation in this county. A woke moron had to hatch this idea, but before it came to fruition, it had to be approved and funded by other radical elitists to become a reality.

The lunch programs aren’t the only degeneracy that this school is proud to promote. In a memorandum, the school also plans on implementing a “leftist speaker series,” a “radical reading team” and an “antiracist working group.”

Unbelievably, the district equity analyst believes that division is the answer. In a memo it was confirmed with these words:

“We are encouraged by this year’s successes and are eager to continue this vital work next school year.”

You see, I don’t use the term narcissistic randomly. This school, in their narrow-minded view, actually sees this deliberate grooming and division as “vital work.”

Unexplainably, whoever oversees this group of terrorists on morality, believes that this “vital work” not only needs to be continued, but expanded. As usual, the woke are not the ones suffering. No, the radical left feeds off of the minds of the vulnerable, and there are none so vulnerable as children and young adults.

The left is making no secret of their divide and conquer plan. The soldiers they are recruiting are our children. Nothing less than a moral uprising will suppress their intentions.

What are we afraid of, we have right on our side.