Saturday, October 05, 2024

Tucker Carlson’s Episode 6 Says That Bobby Kennedy Has Already Won

He’s not talking about RFK Junior’s Democrat presidential primary bid for 2024; we already know that it won’t be successful no matter what the party’s voters actually think. Instead, Carlson is talking about the mini-apocalypse within the media space that Kennedy’s appearance on Joe Rogan’s podcast has caused.

In it, RFK Junior gave a full recitation of his position on a number of items that he’s been villified for, perhaps most prominently his critique of the rather voluminous schedule of vaccines being given to children in this country. That has given Kennedy a reputation as an anti-vaxxer, but it’s not really all that honest a portrayal of his position – which is, to be sure, more critical of the pediatric vaccine schedule than is the mainstream.

He takes pains to declare that he’s not anti-vaccine. His position is that we’ve gone far overboard in piling on all the vaccines kids are supposed to take, many of which haven’t been scientifically vetted all that thoroughly.

This made Kennedy a nut in the eyes of most Americans – right up to the point when COVID-19 came on the scene and Big Pharma produced something it called a vaccine but really wasn’t one. The COVID vaxx is really a gene therapeutic – it doesn’t stop you from getting the disease and it doesn’t stop you from transmitting it. It can knock down the severity of your symptoms.

And that would make it highly desirable, but for the fact that it carries some fairly serious side effects to a fairly sizable chunk of the population. Which is why a sane medical community which was not corrupted by Big Pharma and government dollars would have recommended the vaxx for people at great risk of dying from COVID – the old, the immunocompromised, the obese, the diabetic, those with various forms of lung disease, and so forth – and perhaps even discouraged everyone else from taking it.

But of course, the drug companies which produced the COVID vaxx wouldn’t have made the kind of bank they’d envisioned if that had happened.

So instead, the cabal of drug companies, hospitals and government bureaucrats which controls health care in America trotted out shills like Dr. Peter Hotez, a Texas pediatrician with a quite fascist political worldview, onto cable news outlets to demand not only that everyone take the vaxx but that those critical of its haphazard vetting and mindful of potentially dangerous side effects be muzzled.

Hotez spouted all the usual lies of the medical establishment, pretty much all of which were debunked during the COVID experience. He’s no longer a regular on the cable news circuit, but he has a book out – and when Rogan had RKF Junior on his podcast, Hotez was one of the loudest voices screeching that Kennedy shouldn’t be given a platform.

The only reason anyone is listening to Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. right now is that the American people took a look at what was done with the COVID vaccine and the lockdowns, mask mandates, school closures and the rest and decided the “experts” couldn’t be trusted anymore. As he’s the only political figure on the Democrat side to be questioning the health care cabal, he’s now got 20 percent of the Democrat voting base willing to make him their nominee.

That number isn’t likely to climb much, and the Democrats will surely rig their primary to freeze him out of the nomination no matter what it takes, but it’s still a sizable following.

So as Carlson notes, every effort is being made to silence Kennedy. Because his impact may be more cultural than political. He’s a fly in the ointment. The longer he persists – and if he ever decides to turn his presidential campaign into a third-party run rather than a hopeless climb to the top of Mt. Democrat – the more damage he can do not just to his party’s establishment but to the elite power structure as a whole.

But the more they try to stifle him, the more relevant he becomes. And the fact that Rogan invited Hotez to debate RFK Junior and was rebuffed huffily, with much name-calling and outrage in the dust cloud that followed Hotez to the far horizon, has clearly been a sign Kennedy is winning. He’s exposing the liars and incompetents in charge, and they simply can’t help themselves but to make it worse at every turn.