Saturday, February 22, 2025

Who Knew “Sologamy” Was A Thing? I Thought One Was The Loneliest Number?

I guess I’m behind the times. I have to admit, until recently I had never heard of the term sologamy. In case you haven’t either, let me paint a picture for you so that you can appreciate what it is.

Imagine that you have been invited to a wedding. It’s a small private affair held at a home or another small venue. There are flowers and friends and family are mingling. When it’s time for the ceremony to begin the bride to be appears. She stands in front of those in attendance and marries … herself.

That’s right ladies and gentlemen, yet another type of woke madness is gaining steam. Women, presumably tired of being asked why they haven’t married yet, are marrying themselves.

Solo weddings have very few rules. The ceremony can take place anywhere and be conducted by literally anyone. No credentials are needed since being married without a partner isn’t recognized legally in any country. You don’t even have to have anyone else present. You can have vows which are said out loud or silently. In fact, you don’t even have to have vows at all.

I’m no expert on this, having never married myself to myself, but I would think if you were going to carry out this madness it would help to have at least a few other lunatics witness it. The scenario of standing in a room by yourself saying silent vows, has sort of an “if a tree falls in the woods does it make a sound” type of feel.

Believe it or not, the first “wedding” that really made the news was all the way back in 1993. A woman named Linda Baker went all out for herself. She had seven bridesmaids and seventy-five guests. The only thing missing was the groom.

Baker explained that, “it’s about doing things for yourself and not waiting around for someone else to make it happen.”

In August of 2003, in an episode of Sex in the City titled “A Women’s Right To Shoes,” Carrie Bradshaw, portrayed by Sarah Jessica Parker, married herself. However, that was more of an attempt at retaliation to replace a pair of shoes stolen at a baby shower. Still, it was emphasized that single women can celebrate loving themselves.

CNN wrote a piece on this trend last week. So you can bet that since a platform for this rubbish has opened, more of these narcissists will be crawling out of the woke woodwork. In the CNN piece, they spoke with four women that had married themselves. “They describe the act as a symbolic expression of self-love and an affirmation of a deep, meaningful relationship with oneself. They also say it has nothing to do with swearing off future partnerships with a spouse, which they say is a popular misconception.”

I’m glad they cleared that up, because I was wondering, if one of these women that married herself got remarried to another person, would she be considered a “unimist” (get it, bigamist)?

I can just see these women picking out Valentine’s Day gifts for themselves or sending themselves flowers. Maybe it’s me, but losing the surprise factor takes away some of the significance. The same would apply to their anniversary celebrations, which I assume they recognize.

As you can see, the left never gets tired of drawing attention to themselves. I’ll just come right out and say it, getting married to yourself is stupid. It’s just another bizarre option the left want’s to use as an alternative to the traditional marriage between a man and a woman.

On the upside, these headbangers never lose an argument with their spouse. On the other hand, they never win one either.
