Thursday, January 30, 2025

Woke Ideology Replaces Medical Science

Has anyone else noticed that only woke parents have transgender kids? Last week a story arose, that I’m sure we will be hearing many more renditions of.

An 18-year-old girl filed a lawsuit against Kaiser Foundation Hospitals and the Permanente Medical Groups, both of which are part of the nonprofit Kaiser Permanente; Watson and doctors who work for or are affiliated with Kaiser Permanente.

The lawsuit is based on the fact that the hospital and doctors removed her breasts when she was only 13 years old, after she began claiming that she was a boy.

In a statement, Charles LiMandri one of the lawyers representing Layla Jane, the plaintiff stated:

“The defendants carried out ideological and profit-driven medical abuse when they prescribed her puberty blockers and hormones and, later, performed a double mastectomy.”

Jane began being influenced by online comments back when she was only 11 years old. It was then that she told her parents that she was a boy. Here’s where I take issue with the parents. Instead of talking rationally with their 11-year-old daughter. They immediately start down the “woke path” by seeking a medical opinion.  A medical opinion on what? Their daughter is female, period. This nonsense has to be nipped in the bud immediately, especially when the entire thing was instigated by comments on the internet.

The first three doctors believed that Jane was too young to receive treatment. Eventually though, she was referred to separate doctors that not only prescribed her puberty blockers and hormones, but within six months they performed a double mastectomy on a 13-year-old girl.

Now the justification for this inexcusable, life altering treatment and surgery was born out of what in my opinion is nothing less than criminal malpractice. Jane was prescribed puberty blockers and hormones after only one (1) 75-minute session with a psychologist, Susanne Watson. If that isn’t criminal enough, Dr. Winnie Tong, a plastic surgeon decided that after only one (1) thirty-minute session that Jane could have her breasts removed.

What these doctors did, and this hospital allowed, is the criminal pursuit of a woke ideology and has NOTHING to do with medical science. How can a child, that is too young to purchase cigarettes or alcohol, that cannot legally get a tattoo, or vote be allowed to have this type of surgery? Even with parental consent, which is another criminal act, this type of child mutilation is outrageous.

The lawsuit states:

“Defendants did not question, elicit, or attempt to understand the psychological events that led Kayla to the mistaken belief that she was transgender, nor did they evaluate, appreciate, or treat her multi-faceted presentation of co-morbid symptoms. Instead, Defendants assumed that Kayla, a twelve-year-old emotionally troubled girl, knew best what she needed to improve her mental health and figuratively handed her the prescription pad. There is no other area of medicine where doctors will surgically remove a perfectly healthy body part and intentionally induce a diseased state of the pituitary gland misfunction based simply on the young adolescent patient’s wishes.”

Jane, whose real name is Kayla Lovdahl, has since “detransitioned,” and has resumed her life as a girl. The suit goes on to state that it was a lack of therapy and lack of detailing possible side effects from the surgery illustrates that the doctors never provided Jane with informed consent. Instead they misled her by claiming that the dysphoria would not resolve itself unless she underwent the procedure.

The suit states that the lack of therapy and outlining of possible side effects from the surgery means the doctors didn’t provide Jane with informed consent, according to the suit. Instead, the defendants claimed that the dysphoria wouldn’t resolve unless she underwent the procedure.

At one point, her parents were actually told, “Would you rather have a live son or a dead daughter?”

Currently she is receiving psychotherapy for social anxiety and other issues. Which is exactly the type of therapy she should have received before these criminal doctors got her in their clutches. In the lawsuit, it points out that there have been a number of studies that demonstrate many youths that experience so called “gender dysphoria,” pass through the “induced confusion” and are once again comfortable with their biological gender.

Other studies have shown that people who underwent chemical or surgical procedures in order to transition, experience mental health issues and higher suicide rates. Some countries have restricted the use of puberty blockers and hormones based on a shortage of clinical research for using them on youth wanting to transition.

In an interview with the Epoch Times, Jane said, “Nobody, none of my doctors, tried anything to make me comfortable in my body, or meaningfully pushed back or asked questions; they only affirmed.”

She went on to say that after the surgery, she did not feel better. She complained of nerve damage as well as other problems and is happier since she detransitioned.

Harmeet Dhillon, CEO of the Center for American Liberty, is also representing Jane. in a statement, she said:

“Kaiser continues to engage in the quackery of subjecting innocent children to irreversible sex mimicry treatment, including drugs and surgery, without informed consent. The medical providers responsible for Layla’s case, along with countless others, have substituted woke ideology for medically accepted standards of care, including lying to and manipulating vulnerable patients and families. We are committed to holding them accountable for the harm inflicted upon Layla, and together we intend to strongly deter Kaiser’s factory-line approach that permanently mutilates an unknown number of American children, subjecting them to a lifetime of harm, regret, and medical consequences.”

The left murders children in the womb and mutilates them for an ideology that directly ignores biological gender and medical science. They are undeterred by truth. The left is no longer a political movement, they are a plague.