Saturday, October 05, 2024

“You Can’t Handle The Truth” College Fires Biology Professor For Teaching Reality

“A Few Good Men” is one of my favorite movies. Great plot, great cast and one of the most memorable movie lines ever delivered by Jack Nicholson … “You Can’t Handle The Truth.” Apparently, neither can St. Phillips Community College, or some of its snowflake students.

Before we get into what these morons did at this college, let’s re-establish reality from fantasy. The reality is that there are only two sexes. That fact is biologically and therefore scientifically undeniable. You are either born a biological male or a biological female. Yes, there are very rare cases of either Superman syndrome or Klinefelter syndrome where a person is either born with an extra X or a Y chromosome, but that has no bearing on what we’re discussing here. This biological truth is supported by conservatives and since it is THE TRUTH, that is what they want their impressionable children/students to be taught.

The left in their twilight zone, fantasy world wants everyone to believe that their feelings can change the truth of their reality. If you are born a male and you believe that you are a female, that is a delusion and therefore you as an individual are delusional. If a cat is raised by a cow, the cat may believe that it is a cow, but it is still a cat. That is the fact and the truth of the matter, and it is undeniable.

Having said all of this, let’s take a look at the stance an American college took when this truth was challenged by four crybaby, snowflake students. Students that will have absolutely no chance in society if their delicate psyches can’t handle not only a different opinion, but the truth.

Dr. Johnson Varkey has taught Human Anatomy and Physiology at St. Philip’s College in San Antonio to more than 1,500 students for 22 years. This year he taught the same principles he always has, but the now woke university fired him in January of this year. The false narrative that was used to justify this outrage, in spite of the fact the fact that Varkey taught from school-approved and science-based curriculum, is that St. Philip’s College claims his teaching was religious.

Apparently, in a lesson on November 28th of last year, Varkey was teaching his student how sexual orientation is determined by X and Y chromosomes, you know, the truth. However, it was then that four spoiled brats were so overcome by reality that they walked out of the lecture and complained about Dr. Varkey.

In the complaints that were raised against Dr. Varkey it was said that he has engaged in, “religious preaching, discriminatory comments about homosexuals and transgender individuals, anti-abortion rhetoric, and misogynistic banter and that his teaching pushed beyond the bounds of academic freedom with personal opinions that were offensive to many individuals in the classroom.”

First Liberty Institute, is a law firm that comes to the aid of and defends the religious liberties of Americans. In this case they have sent a letter to St. Phillips College on behalf of Dr. Varkey.

“When teaching the human reproductive system, Dr. Varkey also stated that human sex is determined by chromosomes X and Y, and that reproduction must occur between a male and a female to continue the human species. In the course of teaching Human Anatomy and Physiology, he made these statements in every class for 20 years, without any incident or complaint.”

The firm went on to argue that his teachings are based on his experience and his education and also on his religious beliefs. However, they were quick to point out that, “throughout his employment, he never discussed with any student his personal views, religious or otherwise, on human gender or sexuality.”

First Liberty stated that St. Phillips is participating in unlawful religious discrimination in employment under the First Amendment and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. They stated that Varkey, “believes that he is obligated as a Christian and as a professor to teach accurate, true concepts that comport with his many years of research and study in the field of human biology.”

Keisha Russell, Counsel for First Liberty released a statement condemning the college:

“It is preposterous that, after teaching for more than 20 years, St. Philips would fire Dr. Varkey for teaching basic, widely accepted biology. Dr. Varkey received exemplary performance reviews for twenty years, teaching fact-based, widely accepted science, but now that cultural elites are at odds with these ideas, the school no longer supports professors who teach them. The college violated Dr. Varkey’s constitutional and statutory rights when it fired him, and it must reinstate him immediately.”

The fact that a college would fire a beloved professor that has taught at their institution for 22 years because four whining troublemakers thought they could stir up trouble, is a sad commentary on the state of our country.

The only reason punks like this even try such nonsense, is because they know  woke imbeciles like the officials at this cesspool have also lost their sense of right and wrong.

This is a classic case that demonstrates the left not only can’t tell the truth, but they also can’t even acknowledge it when they hear it.