Friday, February 14, 2025

A New Voting Block: Zombies for Biden

Thereโ€™s really no way to explain a recent tweet from Ian Miles Chong. You just have to watch it for yourself.

No, this is not a scripted scene out of season 36 of The Walking Dead. Itโ€™s real-life Philadelphia in the Kensington district, and regrettably, itโ€™s a scene playing out in many Democrat run cities across America. People who are so hopeless, theyโ€™ve zoned out completely to escape their despair. When you look at the environment they live in, itโ€™s not hard to understand why heavy dosing of narcotics is their only respite from the misery of daily living.

According to a story in The Daily Mail, the people in the video are zoned out on something called Xylazine, or โ€œtranqโ€ as it is known on the streets, which is used by addicts to enhance their heroin and fentanyl high. A Sky News tweet provides pictures of gruesome open wounds and rotting flesh, the direct result of Xylazine usage.

The sad reality is that when someone has reached the point where they are essentially zombified, the odds are overwhelming they will never become a productive member of society. As such, theyโ€™ll need the support of the state. Food, shelter, health care, clothing and money for drugsโ€ฆ The list goes on.

Blind Eye to the Border

The main reason why the Biden administration encourages open borders is because itโ€™s a kind of two for one benefit. On the one hand, millions of illegal aliens, coming from repressive socialist countries, stream over the border every year, representing a huge Democrat voting block. Once theyโ€™re settled in the U.S., they begin to demand the same free government benefits that turned their own countries into third-world stench holes. Liberal Democrats fall all over themselves to comply while preaching faux sanctimony. States like Illinois and California give the aliens driverโ€™s licenses and mail in ballots so they can vote, and apparently, they turned out in big numbers in 2020.

The second benefit is more subtle, but just as potent. Dangerous drugs flow freely into the U.S. every year and spread like a cancer throughout the country, targeting young people who have already been indoctrinated by the public education system into the leftist cult of hopelessness and despair. Once they get hooked on a readily accessible narcotic, they essentially lose the ability to care for themselves and become a dependent, which makes them a natural Democrat voter.

Need Proof?

Itโ€™s harder than it should be to find information related to the rise of illegal drug use in the U.S. every year. The difficulty in the search is compounded by the legalization of marijuana in many states. However, if we focus on overdose deaths, we can draw conclusions as to the direction of overall narcotic usage. The report below only covers 1999-2021, but it documents an extraordinary increase in overdose deaths of 51% from 2019 to 2021. Referencing recently published 2022 data makes the rise in the overdose death rate since 2019 even more alarming at 55%. Based on those numbers, it would be fair to assume they correlate to an overall increase in illicit narcotic usage across the nation.

In light of these disturbing numbers, itโ€™s fair to ask what the Biden administration has done over the past two and a half years to address the drug crisis at the border?


In fact, Biden continues to encourage illegal alien drug smugglers to come to America by offering fake asylum and promoting catch and release programs.

Zombies for Biden

Itโ€™s impossible to express the sadness one feels when watching drug-zombies with open flesh wounds wasting away on the streets of America. It speaks to the heartless, callous and calculating manner in which leftist Democrats value life. They want your vote, and no matter what it takes, theyโ€™re going to get it, even if that means youโ€™ll be completely stripped of your dignity, left to rock back and forth, hunched over like some undead freak out of a dystopian horror movie.

When people speak of the destruction of America, its scenes like those portrayed in this zombie video theyโ€™re talking about. Young people are victimized by a government/media conspiracy designed to rob them of Americaโ€™s promise for a chance at a bright future because Joe Biden and his despicable woke, leftist cabal needs votes.

I hope Vivek Ramaswamy, who recently visited Kensington, can save this generation. Lord knows he has his work cut out for him.