Wednesday, October 23, 2024

A Sinister Game Mississippi Hospital Plays to Cheat Your Parental Win

By now, almost all of Mississippi is privy to the state’s legislative measures to halt the University of Mississippi Medical Center’s (UMMC) gender transition program. Emails that were captured through a public record’s request reveal why UMMC chose to end the program. Simply put, lawmakers were angered that the hospital was working on such a vile attempt to harm children. The probe into UMMC’S Center for Gender and Sexual Minority Health began last August. Hormone therapy was being administered to minors. Kristy Simms, the spokesperson for UMMC to elected officials at state and federal levels, saw the writing on the wall when she emailed Dr. LouAnn Woodward, Vice Chancellor, on Sept. 12 of last year. Simms knew that either they should pause some- or all of the work, or they inevitably would be told to do so legislatively.

Other states have seen a rise in gender and hormone therapy and have taken legislative measures to stop it. In February of 2023, Mississippi Governor, Tate Reeves, signed a bill banning gender dysphoria hormone therapy for minors under 18. This was a bold and necessary move. Just about the time Mississippians sat down from that particular battle, we quickly realized there were still critical and urgent battles to be fought because the data harboring systems in place through hospitals were still working to undermine not only state laws regarding minors, but to deconstruct and dismantle the first institution designed by God – the family.

Recently, an alarming story of a central Mississippi family was brought to the attention of several Mississippi state legislators and other grassroots advocates regarding possible loopholes for vulnerable minors. The story you are about to read is a first-hand account detailing an egregiously scary incident that happened to a mother and son that left her very disturbed.

“My son began receiving care at UMMC in April due to sudden onset neurological symptoms. I have a personal MyChart under my name. When he became a patient, I was able to access his records at UMMC through MyChart by proxy account created in his name. All our testing and scheduling has been accessible to me through MyChart.

On Thursday, June 22, I took him to UMMC for a follow-up visit with his neurologist. Labs were drawn on this date. I was perplexed when I did not get any notifications of lab results coming in later that afternoon. On the evening of June 22nd, I sent a message through MyChart to his physician asking why I had lost access to his labs as I could not even find the icon to check them through MyChart. He responded that he did not know why I had lost access as he had changed nothing in the computer and asked me to reach out to MyChart helpline.

On Friday, June 23rd, I reached out to the help number given to me by my child’s specialist. I was informed by the attendant that I had lost access to his labs and test results because he turned 12 on June 21st. The attendant told me I had lost access to protect his privacy due to HIPAA. When I pushed back, she stated that I could file an appeal. I continued to push back stating that he is a minor child, and if I am not taking care of his medical needs, who is? After some back-and-forth, she allowed me to have my son get on the phone and request a personal username and password to be sent to my email address.

I was then required to create a new account under his name where all tests/ lab results can now be viewed. They are still not accessible to me through my MyChart account. This is not, however, true of other organizations associated with our account. On Saturday, June 24th, I sent a message through MyChart requesting the specific HIPAA section that necessitated this change. I also asked them to provide me with any information regarding federal programs associated with this policy. I have still not received any correspondence back in response to my message.

My husband and I both are from medical backgrounds. My husband is a surgeon, and I am a speech pathologist. We are aware of what is normal and what is not normal in the medical world. This is not normal, and it is not acceptable. My fear is for unsuspecting parents who do not know their rights, and we are very concerned for rebellious and vulnerable children who can do dangerous things to themselves medically and keep important information from their parents. We feel fortunate that our child is not in rebellion, and that we were finally able to get access to his medical records, but this should never have happened with our minor son. Our hearts hurt for parents who are not experiencing the same closeness of relationship with their children because this can have catastrophic consequences. We feel this increases their vulnerability in the system. We also have other children to raise and may find ourselves in a precarious spot in the future. It has also been very difficult for us to manage care for our son, juggling two different MyChart accounts. It breaks down the contiguous nature of his medical records and our access to them within one system.”

If the nature of this recent story does not send chills down your spine and anger you, then maybe you need a Biblical and Constitutional pulse check. This is outrageous! These systems are used all around the nation, and this particular story comes on the heels of many states, like California and New York, dismembering inalienable, parental rights through tyrannical legislative means. They believe parents should have no authority over their children and that the children are a product of the government.

Mississippi House Representative Becky Currie proposed legislation in the 2022-2023 session that would protect parents and their inalienable rights over their children. There was not enough support in the Republican supermajority seated in the heart of the Bible Belt. Why? Will there be enough bicameral interest this coming session to batten down the hatches and push back on sick perversions against our children and our families and any and every loophole the enemy would use to subvert the most important institution created? Will there be enough common sense to support and uphold the Higher Moral law of God? Will the citizens of each county begin to hold their elected representative voices accountable to protect our most vulnerable populations?

If you are a parent of a minor who has an affiliation with UMMC’s pediatric group, you might want to, as the parent or guardian, request all their medical records before they turn twelve years of age. If you do not, you just might be asking permission from your child, who is yet to earn a license, hold a job, or earn a paycheck, to give consent to these rogue institutions for you to be able to see their medical charts or enter a clinical room setting with them. Hell will freeze over before that happens to my family.

On defense, UMMC issued a generic statement regarding the MyChart shady business and posted it on social media. They insinuated that they are not keeping parents from accessing their child’s records. I call “bull,” and many of you do, too. Too many parents have had the same issues with not being able to access their child’s medical records, and we are hearing from them. How many parents missed the memo, so to speak, and would not realize that they no longer have parental authority? These outlets of corporate communism and usurpations are despotically designed by systemically cancerous ideological minds to “capture the children.” That should quicken every red-blooded American to the front lines to defend and preserve our most precious asset: Our heritage. Please come out from under your rock.

It does seem that MyChart can be set up how organizations need it to be set up within their system. Why would this hospital set up MyChart in this manner? The question is not so much raised with MyChart but directed at UMMC. When researching Mississippi state law regarding minors and consent, Title X laws are glaring. Could this be the loophole for UMMC making it more difficult for parents to have access to the full medical charts of their children? If a minor is seeking services through Title X, providers must allow minors to obtain Title X services on their own consent, even if state law requires parental consent or notification.

Mississippi state law also allows a physician or a psychologist to provide consultation or medication to a child for mental or emotional problems related to drugs and alcohol without parental consent. Minors can consent to these services, and the law does not require the provider to inform the parents. Simply put, Title X services are confidential. Is the University of Mississippi Medical Center using state and Title X laws to circumvent parental knowledge and advocacy regarding not only STDs, drug use, contraceptives, and pregnancy, but a gamut of other medical conditions, discussions, and treatment? We must begin to dig and ask the critical questions given the global, national, and state agendas to completely breakdown the family units and capture the children.

The Title X government funded program was enacted in 1970 as part of a Public Health Service Act. While the focus has been stated to be on contraceptives for teens, this project has many regulatory strongholds and touts, “a broad range of acceptable and effective medically approving family methods…including services for adolescents.” Read that again. Do you see the potentially catastrophic fallout and loophole that could undermine the family institution in a tangible way? What could possibly go wrong? Dig into the HIPAA laws on parental consent. You will see that while parents are responsible for the care of their minor, and that it is a general rule that parents are entitled to know their minor’s health information, there are exceptions. Under HIPAA, a parent may not be considered a minor child’s personal representative and advocate if the child independently consented to a health care service, no other consent is required by law, and the child has not personally requested the parent to be the personal representative.

It is up to We the Parents to be the first and last line of defense for our posterity. Be educated. Be intentional about defending and preserving Biblical and Constitutional precepts. Hold legislative officials accountable to do the right things as an elected representative of your family, your voice, and your values.

If you or anyone you know has had a similar experience, please reach out to me or Representative Dana Criswell, Chairman of the Mississippi House Freedom Caucus, and share your story. ([email protected]) We are not standing idly by while sinister agendas lay actively lurking to capture our children.

Rebecca Chaney is the Director for Restore Liberty Mississippi, and she sits on the board for the Mississippi Freedom Caucus. She is a lifetime Patriot Academy Constitution Coach and has hosted Biblical Citizenship and Constitutional classes since 2020. She has helped to start these classes all across the state of Mississippi. She is a homeschool Mom of seven years to her son and daughter. You can read more of her work at and