Sunday, March 30, 2025

Adventures in Clown World: July 2023

Welcome to the third edition of your favorite monthly series: “Adventures in Clown World”. Here is last month’s edition if you haven’t checked it out already.

For this month’s edition, I wanted to share some of the ridiculous stories from the Clown World that we live in every day. Without further ado, let’s dive right into the July 2023 edition of “Adventures in Clown World”.

1. Michigan Attorney General charges Trump supporters for “conspiracy”

This story is one of the most “Orwellian” stories I’ve seen in a while–which is saying a lot. The video from the tweet above appears to come straight out of the tyrannical playbook from 1984.

Earlier this month, Michigan’s Attorney General criminally charged 16 Trump supporters for their plan to act as alternative electors in the 2020 Presidential election. In essence, these 16 individuals made a plan to become Michigan’s presidential electors if enough fraudulent voters were found to overturn the results.

If convicted, the Trump supporters will face anywhere from 5 to 14 year in prison. You read that correctly. The Michigan Attorney General wants to jail Trump supporters for meeting together, signing some pieces of paper, and believing that the 2020 presidential election was stolen. Simple as that.

Last year, Michigan’s clown of an Attorney General proclaimed her support for a “Drag Queen in every school”.

Remember back when Democrats claimed that Republicans stole the 2000 and 2016 Presidential elections? I do. To this day, Hillary Clinton still believes that President Trump stole the 2016 presidential election. Where are the felony charges for these so-called “election deniers” from 2000 and 2016? Absolute silence.

This story should remind us all that we live under an illegitimate Regime. Our corrupt ruling class wants to jail President Trump, his supporters, and anyone that truly opposes our Regime’s Globalist, “America Last” agenda.

2. Automatic Speeding Tickets in California?

For our next story, we will move to the state of California. This month, California Legislators proposed a bill to create automatic speeding tickets for drivers speeding 11 miles per hour over the speed limit.

In a state where the homeless run rampant and petty criminals go unpunished, the average joe will have the proverbial book thrown at him for driving a little fast on the freeway. While California may look like an absolute joke of a state, I still wouldn’t feel comfortable if you live in a Conservative state. California is usually ahead of the curve when it comes to Leftist trends that spread elsewhere.

This proposed bill is just another example of the two-tiered justice system (“Anarcho-tyranny”) present under this Regime. In America, rioting for BLM goes unpunished, but peacefully walking inside the US Capitol building is considered an insurrection. Anarcho-tyranny is well and alive in Clown World.

3. An Over the Counter Birth Control pill?

As if the FDA and Big Pharma couldn’t lose any more credibility, the Food and Drug administration (FDA) approved the first ever over-the-counter birth control pill. Considering the damaging effects that birth control has wrought on American women for the last 50+ years, it is disappointing to see the continued march of the anti-child/anti-fertility agenda in American society.

What’s more, our nation’s birth rate is well-below replacement levels, yet the Federal government is encouraging people to not have children by allowing this medicine to hit the open market. Not a good look.

Only in “Clown World” can minors take a potentially harmful substance without any parental and medical approval. I look forward to the day when our elected officials promote family formation instead of anti-fertility medication.

Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed the July 2023 edition of “Adventures in Clown World”. Stay strong, and God Bless!