Tuesday, October 08, 2024

Burisma CEO Insults Dogs, Compares Them To Hunter

I am an avid animal lover. True story, we are fortunate enough to live on the beach and every day we feed the seagulls, as well as an egret we named Eddie. There are three gulls that we pay special attention to. One has only one leg and is named โ€œPup.โ€ He actually, waits for us and fly’s up to meet us every morning. โ€œPepโ€ has two legs, but one foot is backwards and โ€œPipโ€ has two legs, but only one foot. The three gulls love diced cheese and bread, but Eddie will only eat scrambled eggs or an omelet that we toss to him in pieces.

Our other true love is dogs. We lost our last little girl on December 11th, 2021. A fifteen-year-old Princess, named Bailey. Bay-Bay was a Jack Russell and she was as smart as a whip, which according to the Burisma CEO makes her smarter than Hunter Biden.

To be honest, I didnโ€™t need the CEO to tell us that. None of my dogs, nor any dog for that matter, ever got a job at an MBNA bank just because their owner was a Senator and the bank was one of his largest donors, Hunter did. No dog ever started drinking as a puppy and no dog ever went to college and started using cocaine, but Hunter did.

Dogs donโ€™t like numbers, so none ever opened a Wall Street hedge fund with their mangy uncle, like Hunter did. A hedge fund that was embroiled in several โ€œallegedโ€ criminal fraud schemes. One of note, included a Texas financier that was eventually convicted of operating one of the largest Ponzi schemes in U.S. history.

Dogs donโ€™t like violence, so none would have tried to clean up their reputation by signing up for the U.S. Navy Reserves and no dog would have been discharged on the very first day for testing positive for cocaine, like Hunter did.

Dogs are friendly and have a lot of friends, but they donโ€™t have many โ€œcontactsโ€ like Hunter. So no dog ever could have ended up on the BHR Board of Directors, a Chinese private equity fund with no experience, but Hunter not only did that, he ended up with a ten percent stake in the fund.

Dogโ€™s like to mark their territory and stay fairly close to home, but Hunter isnโ€™t that smart. He couldnโ€™t help himself and expanded his corruption into Ukraine. There, once again with absolutely no qualifications, he joined yet another board. This time it was on the board of the Ukrainian natural gas company Burisma, that reportedly paid the unqualified Hunter $50,000 per month.

This past week, Senator Chuck Grassley released an internal FBI document that contains claims by a confidential informant that Hunter Biden was placed on the board of Burisma approximately ten years ago because of his daddyโ€™s ability to protect the company.

The informant states that numerous conversations with Burisma Holdings officials depict a scenario of corruption that implicates both Joe Biden and Hunter. Hunter joined the board in 2014. Now at that time, Daddy Joe was heavily involved (Cough, Cough), in โ€œanti-corruptionโ€ work in Ukraine. Biden gathered other leaders to jointly call for the firing of Ukraineโ€™s top prosecutor, Victor Shokin. At the time, Shokin was facing criticism for blocking certain corruption investigations. However, he was also rumored to be investigating Burisma, so draw your own conclusions on why crooked Joe was so focused on him. Shokin was eventually ousted by the Ukrainian Parliament in 2016. House Republicans have since alleged that both Hunter and crooked Joe received $5 million in payments from Burisma for getting Shokin removed.

The informant claims that CEO Mykola Zlochevsky, said that he was โ€œcoercedโ€ into paying both Joe and Hunter and that Hunter was placed on the board as an insurance policy for the company.

The document states that at that time when it was suggested that Zlochevsky/Burisma pay an attorney $50,000 to litigate the matter, Zlochevsky laughed at the thought, saying: โ€œIt costs $5 million to pay one Biden, and $5 million to another Biden.โ€ The informant said at the time that it was unverified whether such alleged payments were already made.

Newly released document FD-1023 states that when the informant attended a meeting with Zlochevsky in 2016, Viktor Shokinโ€™s name came up. Whereby Zlochevsky saidโ€ โ€œDonโ€™t worry, Hunter will take care of all of those issues through his dad.โ€

Another excerpt reveals that Burisma CFO Vadim Pojarskii, also told the informant that Hunter was only hired to โ€œprotect us, through his dad, from all kinds of problems.โ€

When a prospective business deal in the U. S. was being discussed, it was suggested that “some normal U.S. oil and gas advisors” should be hired due to the Bidenโ€™s lack of experience, Zlochevsky reportedly said that Hunter Biden “was stupid, and his dog was smarter.”

The FD-1023 Document is dated June 30, 2020, which is shortly before Hunterโ€™s laptop was found forgotten at a Delaware computer repair shop. Upon finding the incriminating vessel of smut, information concerning it was either dismissed entirely, or as everything was at that time, labeled Russian disinformation as the 2020 election approached.

The laptop was later authenticated to be Hunterโ€™s, but of course, not until well after Biden was installed as President.

The Bidenโ€™s do have several things in common with dogs. For instance, both count on someone else to clean up there messes. In the Bidenโ€™s case, they make a lot more of them, but they have professionals doing the cleanups. Then, like a dog that buries his bone, the Bidenโ€™s bury their secrets and again they have highly trained individuals protecting them from public view.

There is nothing that Bidenโ€™s can be compared to that isnโ€™t insulting to the comparison. If Zlochevsky had said that Hunter was dumber than a rock, it would have insulted the rock.

Hunter is the ball and chain on โ€œThe Big Guyโ€™sโ€ corrupt coattails. Letโ€™s pray that someone has enough โ€œDogโ€ in them to prosecute and put an end to this nefarious legacy.