Tuesday, October 08, 2024

CDC Sucks Up To Boobs On The Radical Left By Supporting “Chestfeeding”

Since the politically generated “plandemic” erupted, the CDC has emerged as one of the most untrustworthy organizations. They no longer concern themselves with the tasks that they were created to perform, instead they issue policies and guidance based solely on accommodating and advancing the far-left agenda.

On their website this is what they state is their mission:

“CDC works 24/7 to protect America from health, safety and security threats, both foreign and in the U.S. Whether diseases start at home or abroad, are chronic or acute, curable or preventable, human error or deliberate attack, CDC fights disease and supports communities and citizens to do the same.

CDC increases the health security of our nation. As the nation’s health protection agency, CDC saves lives and protects people from health threats. To accomplish our mission, CDC conducts critical science and provides health information that protects our nation against expensive and dangerous health threats and responds when these arise.”

They also have a pledge:

  1. Be a diligent steward of the funds entrusted to our agency.
  2. Provide an environment for intellectual and personal growth and integrity.
  3. Base all public health decisions on the highest quality scientific data that is derived openly and objectively.
  4. Place the benefits to society above the benefits to our institution.
  5. Treat all persons with dignity, honesty, and respect.

Funny, I don’t see anything in their mission statement, or their pledge, that mentions anything about promoting myths and supporting mental illness. In truth, their actions very frequently contradict their stated purpose.

Like an undisciplined child that enjoys coloring outside of the lines, the CDC is once again embarrassing itself by throwing science and common sense out of the window and embracing a far-left fantasy as fact.

How?  Well, now the CDC official website is offering advice for transgender and nonbinary Americans that want to “breastfeed” or as it is often referred to, “chestfeed” or “bodyfeed” their children.

Here is how the lie is displayed on the website:

Can transgender parents who have had breast surgery breastfeed or chestfeed their infants?

“Yes. Some transgender parents who have had breast/top surgery may wish to breastfeed, or chestfeed (a term used by some transgender and non-binary parents), their infants. Healthcare providers working with these families should be familiar with medical, emotional, and social aspects of gender transitions to provide optimal family-centered care and meet the nutritional needs of the infant. These families may need help with the following:”

  • Maximizing milk production
  • Supplementing with pasteurized donor human milk or formula
  • Medication to induce lactation or avoiding medications that inhibit lactation.
  • Suppressing lactation (for those choosing not to breastfeed or chestfeed)
  • Finding appropriate lactation management support, peer support, and/or emotional support

In another area of the website the CDC promoted even more lies, stating:

Remember that:

“Transgender and nonbinary-gendered individuals may give birth and breastfeed or feed at the chest (chestfeed). The gender identity or expression transgender individuals is different from their sex at birth. The gender identity of nonbinary-gendered individuals does not fit neatly into either man or woman.”

“An individual does not need to have given birth to breastfeed or chestfeed.”

“Some families may have other preferred terminology for how they feed their babies, such as nursing, chestfeeding, or bodyfeeding.”

Here’s the woke left’s and the CDC’s problem.  Men Don’t Lactate. Chestfeeding can mean nursing at the breast, but it can also mean using a tube attached to the nipple to feed baby formula or human milk. Chestfeeding may also be used for non-nutritive sucking, in other words for comfort, rather than nutrition.

Another problem is that in their desperation to try and become something that they aren’t, they are so narcissistic that they will put the child’s health at risk to push an unrealistic agenda.

In an interview with Daily Mail, Dr. Jane Orient laid out the dangerous path that the CDC is condoning, without offering proper restraint or understanding.

“The CDC has a responsibility to talk about the health risks, but they have been derelict in doing that. We have no idea what the long-term effects on the child will be” if transgender parents are using all kinds of off-label hormones.”

Other critics speaking with the Daily Mail worried that the CDC’s advice may be taken by transgender women who are undergoing “hormone drug” therapy in order to helps them grow breasts and produce milk. One of those drugs, domperidone, “can pass into breast milk in small amounts and can sometimes give babies an irregular heartbeat as a result.”

Another doctor reiterated the same concerns to the Daily Mail. Dr. Stuart Fischer said that he found it “very hard to believe” that breast milk produced by a biological woman is the same milk that is produced by a transgender woman. He added that:

“If it’s been tested a handful of times, how would we know the long-range effect? The short-term is one thing, but the long-term in terms of physical and mental illness, it’s an emerging field, to put it mildly.”

On this week’s “Washington Watch,” Mary Szoch, the Director of the Center for Human Dignity at Family Research Council, voiced even more concerns:

“We are putting a brand-new baby, a child who has no defenses at all, who can’t speak for himself, we’re putting that child’s life at risk. We’re putting that child at risk of having heart palpitations and various difficulties so that we can encourage this woke culture.”

“Chestfeeding” poses to natural order and the affront that it is to motherhood:

“One of the things about being a mom is that it is centered on others. The womb is actually the only place in the body, the woman’s uterus is the only organ that is actually created to house another. And so motherhood itself is other-focused, and chest feeding is self-centered, self-focused. It’s a perversion of a beautiful act that is intended to nourish a child.  It is 100 percent focused on the man who is masquerading as a woman and who has this perverted desire to feed a child or to pretend to feed a child.”

Dr. Jennifer Bauwens, is the Family Research Council’s director of the Center for Family Studies. She explained to The Washington Stand that the field of gender transition procedures “has the least evidence to recommend it, yet HHS continues to promote it and cast doubt on any dissent, no matter how empirical. With that precedent, and with the Biden administration’s vociferous abortion advocacy, it’s unlikely the CDC will take into account potential health risks to infants when promoting chestfeeding.”

It’s clear that the CDC’s “Mission & Pledge” are no longer considered relevant. The duties and responsibilities that the CDC was created to uphold have been replaced by woke left fantasies. Yet they continue to receive huge amounts of taxpayer money to promote the woke left’s unholy agenda. The Health Statistics budget appropriated by Congress for fiscal year 2023 is $187,397,000. This enacted budget is approximately $7 million higher than fiscal year 2022 and includes funding for administrative and business services through the CDC Working Capital Fund (WCF).

The CDC is promoting the fallacy that men can breastfeed. Consider that level of intellect the next time they recommend anything that affects the majority of the American public. Trust is harder to regain once it’s been lost and the CDC didn’t lose our trust, they threw it away.