Saturday, March 29, 2025

Disney’s Rat Trap Is Hemorrhaging Money While Iger Makes Excuses

Being a resident of Florida, Disney has certainly had its share of headlines over the last several years. Most of which have been nauseatingly bad, but well deserved. It’s a shame really. When my kids were young, we had season passes for many years. Back then Disney was a magical place. I consider myself fortunate that my kids were able to enjoy the good clean fun that Disney offered. I could never have imagined how a company so steeped in purity then, could be so diametrically opposed to it now.

By promoting transgenderism, racism and division, Disney has seen its popularity fall drastically. Not just at its theme parks, but also at the theaters with their movies. Because of the slide in popularity and stock price, the board replaced Bob Chapek last November with former CEO Bob Iger. Iger ran the one-time entertainment giant for fifteen years, before he stepped away two years ago.

If Disney was hoping that Iger would steady the ship and return some of the luster to the once proud company, they may need to lower their expectations. Perhaps a more realistic goal would be to hope that Iger can regain a grip on reality.

In an interview with CNBC last week, Iger had plenty of excuses and solutions, but to the wrong problems. Iger seems fixated on movie sequels and the speed in which they are released, instead of the constant barrage of woke garbage that that is being spewed in their movies, parks, and streaming platforms. Iger seems to think that slowing the release of any new Marvel and Star war projects as well as focusing on quality and lower production costs is the elixir that the company needs.

“You pull back not just to focus, but also as part of our cost containment initiative. Spending less on what we make and making less.”

Focusing specifically on Marvel he said this:

“Marvel is a great example of that. It had not been in the television business at any significant level, and not only did they increase their movie output, but they ended up making a number of TV series. Frankly, it diluted focus and attention.”

Iger also is of the opinion that the number of character-based sequels needs to be ratcheted down and new characters introduced. For instance, up to this point once Marvel had introduced a stable character, two or even three sequels would be built around that character. For instance, the third “Ant-Man” movie was released this year and was a major box office disappointment.

Earlier this year, Disney announced major cuts in its production budgets to the tune of $3 billion as part of an overall $5.5 billion budget cutting operation. You probably remember Disney owned ESPN announcing another round of layoffs just a few weeks back that involved around twenty employees.

John Nolte, at Breitbart News, has a better handle on Disney’s problems than Iger.

He wrote:

“Disney has released three animated box office bombs in a row. Pixar’s Big Gay Lightyear and Trans Elemental are doornail dead. Disney Animation’s Big Gay Strange World likely lost Disney up to $100 million.”

What’s really upsetting about Iger’s stance is that he knows the real issues with the company, but he doesn’t have the guts to stand up to the woke left that stole the magic from the Magic Kingdom.

If Iger keeps bowing to the left and keeps marketing radical trash, he can use all of the companies unemployment notices to line Mickey Rats woke cage.