Tuesday, October 08, 2024

Emma-Jo Morris Is Right; Leftist Censorship And Those 51 Liars Are Laughable

This comes from yesterday’s hearing of the House Oversight Committee on censorship, the one which generated so much heat for the rather bizarre spectacle of its Democrat members who responded to the calling of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. to discuss how he’s been censored by trying to censor him.

We had a post here yesterday discussing RFK Junior’s speech and how it illuminated the fact that today’s Democrat Party isn’t dominated by liberals – Kennedy is an old-school liberal – but by leftists. My American Spectator column today has a bit more on that, noting the flagrantly venomous nature of the Stacey Plasketts and Debbie Wasserman Schultzes and Hakeem Jeffrieses of the world toward a member of their own party. It’s clear that the old dynamic of late 20th-century politics, in which the William F. Buckley conservatives on the Right and the Daniel Patrick Moynihan liberals on the Left would largely agree on the social goods to be provided but would then argue as to the means of providing them, is long gone.

Kennedy was arguing for a return to that era, and he passionately protested the idea that he was an anti-semite or a racist. That fell on deaf ears with members of his own party; they’re flogging the idea that he’s racist over the fact that he cited a large scientific study of COVID patients done by the Cleveland Clinic which found that based on the virus’ biochemistry, there is a significant difference in how it fares against the immune systems of different people. Specifically, Ashkenazi Jews, those who trace their lineage to Eastern Europe, and those of Chinese descent fare better against COVID-19 than do other Europeans or folks of African ancestry. It’s a question of how the virus interacts with the genetic markers of people of different ethnicities.

Kennedy noted that if such information could be identified and specified within the chemistry, you then have the basis for a bioweapon. Nothing about that is racist at all; it’s simply deduction from the facts. Somehow, he was immediately denounced as something of a neo-Nazi for having made the point even by members of his own family.

It’s all very perplexing, but it’s nonetheless explainable. The Hard Left radicals who have taken over the Democrat Party and now run the country through the doddering figurehead Joe Biden against whom RFK Junior is running in next year’s presidential primary have no interest in a real presidential race. They know Biden is in no mental or physical condition to barnstorm across the country against a real field of candidates willing to question this current administration, so anyone who would challenge him must be destroyed and demonized.

And if that has to be done on the basis of lies, they’re absolutely, without reservation committed to going that far.

This is relevant to the video you’ll see below. In it, Breitbart editor Emma-Jo Morris, who held a similar position at the New York Post when that paper published its reporting on the Hunter Biden laptop back in October of 2020, discusses the lengths Team Biden and the Hard Left went to in order to discredit that true information and thus defraud the American people in advance of the presidential election in November of that year.

We already know that well more than 10 percent of those who voted for Joe Biden would not have had they known about what was on Hunter Biden’s laptop computer. Subsequent surveys have shown that. And yet at the time, Team Biden – and specifically Tony Blinken, who was rewarded with the job of Secretary of State (he should have already been impeached), and current National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan (another who should have been impeached) – scared up 51 partisan Democrats from the CIA and other intelligence agencies to lie and claim the laptop was a Russian disinformation operation.

And that, of course, dredged up an older disproven lie, which was that Donald Trump had colluded with Russia to win the 2016 election.

Which is precisely the same tactic being used against RFK Junior now. It’s the Hard Left Democrat machine attempting to trample anybody in their way, without the slightest scruple about how to do it.

This is what totalitarian regimes do. It’s frightening. And it’s illegitimate. Kudos to the House Republicans for airing out this dirty laundry yesterday.