Tuesday, October 08, 2024

RFK Junior Is The Best Democrat Candidate In 20 Years And They Refuse To Have Him

We’re not going to belabor this point a whole lot, because it’s a subject on which we could probably write a book. And it’s by no means an endorsement of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. for president. There’s an awful lot wrong with RFK Junior – his batty climate change and environmental nuttery wouldn’t redound to the benefit of our economy, or our environment, for example – but he’s an old-school liberal of the stripe which used to be quite common in America.

Old-school liberals gave us utterly destructive policies like the Great Society and the idiocy of the climate change regime. They’re pretty much discredited as a matter of serious governance. What’s worse is that old-school liberals allowed themselves to be thrown out of the institutions they used to run by the Hard Left.

And RFK Junior is a victim of that, because he’s being utterly villified by members of his own party for challenging some of the corporate fascist narratives they’ve built on a number of issues, for being willing to engage in dialogue with people on the Right as old-school liberals used to do before the Hard Left took over their institutions and for having the temerity to run for president against the Hard Left’s doddering White House stooge who used to pretend to be an old-school liberal before he sold his soul to join Team Obama first as an ideological “beard” to gain the support of the working-class traditional Americans they were busily abandoning, and later as the puppet they used to usurp control over what’s left of the Republic.

Kennedy can’t enumerate all of the sins of his party; to do so would be to put himself in severe jeopardy of ending up like his father and brother. He’s likely already in such danger just by declaring for president and for accusing the CIA of those murders. So he’s playing the role of loyal opposition within the Democrat Party, for now, and soaking up some 15-20 percent of the vote in primary polls.

That makes him not much of a threat. Not to the community-organized ballot-harvesting machine the Democrats have become.

But then today he shows up at a House committee and he’s given 10 minutes by the chairman Jim Jordan to give a speech, and what he delivers is a spring-loaded rebuke against the power structure of his party for their efforts to censor and smear him, and it’s well worth watching. Most of it is a cry in the dark, a paean to an America which is gone and can’t come back until the Hard Left is pried from the reins of political, cultural and economic power (something which won’t happen with comity and polite debate, sadly), but it’s also a well-reasoned appeal to rationality and fairness.

It’s actually a fairly historical moment, if you understand what this is. This is the plaintive wail of the displaced, disenfranchised 20th century liberal. It’s the case study for why you shouldn’t use the word “liberal” to describe today’s Democrats. They’re not liberals; there’s no liberty in anything they do unless that’s to maim or kill children or engage in licentious sexual behavior. What they are is Marxists and fascists, and they’re the people who busily persecute liberals like RFK Junior.

And it’s interesting that Republicans are the ones giving him a platform. Not Democrats. That should tell you something.