Sunday, October 06, 2024

Sweet Change! State School Superintendent Booted Out Of School Board Meeting

It is so nice to see a State Superintendent of Public Instruction, that is anti-parent on all matters concerning LGBTQ, bounced from a school board meeting. What makes it doubly sweet is that it happened in California. In what Iโ€™m sure is one of the last bastions of sanity in a state gone mad, the Chino Valley Unified School District said thanks, but no thanks, to perversion pusher, Tony Thurmond.

Thurmond is the Current California State Superintendent of Public Instruction. He attended the meeting to push one of the leftโ€™s newest lies, that parents are the enemies and that the school system owns your children. In a classic example of give an inch and they will take ten miles, the left at first was happy to groom and corrupt children. Now they want to keep their parents totally in the dark. Their reasoning is that if you donโ€™t fully support what they have ingrained into your impressionable childโ€™s mind, then you donโ€™t deserve any input into their lives.

The policy, that the school board successfully passed, requires parents be informed if their child expresses a desire to be identified or treated as a gender different from their biological sex, intends to use the bathroom and athletic facilities of the opposite sex, seeks a pronoun or name change, or if there are mental health concerns with the child. 

These are things that should never even be discussed or considered by a teacher, school, or any school district. Still, there was Thurmond, defiantly espousing the leftโ€™s agenda as clearly as if it came directly from Satanโ€™s lips to his ear. He stated that the policy:

“may fall outside of the laws that respect privacy and safety for our students but may put our students at risk because they may not be in homes where they can be seen.” 

The disgust and ire that the left raises within rational people isnโ€™t just based on their outrageously perverse plan, itโ€™s also in the smug and arrogant way they speak of it. Here is Thurmond talking down to parents by implying that their children โ€œmay not be in homes where they can be seen.โ€

School Board President, Sonja Shaw, wasnโ€™t buying any of it.

“I appreciate you being here tremendously. But here’s the problem. We’re here because of people like you. You’re in Sacramento proposing things that pervert children.”

Thurman then returned to the podium and attempted to request an opportunity to respond calling for a โ€œpoint of order.โ€ However, Shaw told him directly, “This is not your meeting. You may have a seat. You’re not going to blackmail us. You already sent us a blackmailing letter on the previous point of order. You’ll not bully us here in Chino.” 

When Thurmond refused to leave the public podium, Shaw called for a five-minute recess as Thurmond was escorted out by security. Escorted is the correct term, although to hear Thurmondโ€™s โ€œspin,โ€ you would think that pitchforks and torches were used to remove him.

Thurmond claimed that he was โ€œverbally attackedโ€ and โ€œthrown out by extremists.โ€

“I went to a school board meeting to stand up for LGBTQ+ students who invited me to join them as they spoke out against a radical new policy that threatens their safety. When done speaking, the board president verbally attacked me and instructed the police to remove me. I donโ€™t mind being thrown out of a board meeting by extremists. I can take the heat, itโ€™s part of the job. What I canโ€™t accept is the mistreatment of vulnerable students whose privacy is being taken away.”

Letโ€™s examine Thurmondโ€™s lies. First, yes he was chided and applauded as the police escorted him out, but he was not โ€œverbally attackedโ€ and caring parents are not โ€œextremists.โ€ Second, he calls keeping parents aware of what their children are doing a โ€œradical new policy that threatens their safety.โ€ Lastly, he refers to a parentโ€™s right to know as โ€œthe mistreatment of vulnerable students whose privacy is being taken away.”

Yes folks, this compulsive leftist liar, said all of that and he did it with a straight face. See what I mean about their arrogance? It really has no boundaries. These radicals will say, do and act in whatever way necessary to achieve their goals.

In a recent column, Dr. Gina Loudon, presented some thought-provoking points on the real tangible results of this train wreck. A human tragedy that the left is so intent on making a reality. As in all cases with Democrats, if you dissect the agenda, you can follow the money. Money that will be used to further current objectives and to initiate new ones, that in turn will generate more corrupt revenue streams.

Dr. Loudon wrote:

“So if we, as a nation, researched this and even the left agreed to end such studies because the outcomes were so grim, (She is speaking about a childโ€™s sexual mutilation conducted in the 1960โ€™s with dire consequences) why have the powers that be reinvented this cause at this point in time? The American Medical Association stands to gain millions of dollars between surgeries and medicines from each transition. The American Psychological Association will have its membership explode when all of these children and their parents and families need a lifetime of therapy and drugs for what they have done. Big Pharma canโ€™t even calculate the money that will rush to them. And the Democrats have taken up their cause calling it โ€˜gender affirming careโ€™ (as if there were anything โ€˜caringโ€™ about it, considering the real data). The Democrats will be richly rewarded by all of those profiting off of these children, and the cycle will continue.”

The radical left is operating a huge propaganda machine. Gender dysphoria is not as prevalent as the left wants you to believe. In fact, it affects a minuscule part of the population. Yet, every hour of every day, we are inundated with it. Our schools districts are infected with the hysteria, simply because for the gravy train to continue, new victims must be generated and children are the most vulnerable.

There is no such thing as gender affirming care. If there was, why would they hide it from the parents? Itโ€™s a smoke screen to further their ploy. Hats off to the Chino Valley Unified School District for recognizing the truth and protecting the children.