Tuesday, October 08, 2024

The FAA, Democrats And Rinos Have Turned Once Friendly Skies Dark And Dangerous

In January of this year I wrote a column titled: “FAA Covertly Expands Pilot’s Acceptable Heartbeat Range Due To Damage Caused By Vaccines.” The column discussed changes that the FAA had quietly made regarding the acceptable health standards of its vaccinated pilots. Those changes, make Thursday’s decision not to reinstate unvaccinated pilots stunningly irresponsible. For clarity, I am including pertinent parts of the column here.

Let’s say you own a business that requires certain employees to meet specific physical requirements within accepted medical ranges. Then suddenly very few, if any, of your employees can meet the required physical standard.

What do you do? These employees are absolutely necessary for the success of your enterprise and they cannot be readily replaced.

Well if you’re the FAA and you required your pilots to be vaccinated resulting in heart damage, you very surreptitiously increase the acceptable range of the pilots heartbeat.

In October of last year, with no announcement, The FAA Guide for Aviation Medical Examiners extended the EKG parameters well beyond the normal range from PR max of .2 to essentially unlimited.

This change in EKG range now accommodates pilots that have suffered cardiac injury.

The FAA report was exposed by Steve Kirsch, a Tech entrepreneur and founder of The COVID 19 Early Treatment Fund (CETF), Vaccine Safety Research Foundation.

It should be obvious that this change was made so that pilots who previously would have been grounded, are now able to continue to fly. It should also be even more obvious that the vaccine is what has caused the drastic increase in heart issues across the country and the world. The cardiac problems are in addition to the already proven damage the jabs cause to the immune system. 

There are several truly disturbing facets of this revelation.

First, the aviation industry has to be by its very nature, one of the most risk adverse industries. This change does not increase airline safety. In fact, this change increases the possibility of a cardiac event with a pilot.

Second, secrecy is offensive. The FAA knows that the American public should have been advised, but they are part of this ridiculous “See no evil, Hear no evil, Speak no evil” contingent that believes they know better and the best place for Americans is in the dark.

The truth is this, not a day goes by where a “sudden death” isn’t reported, especially in young athletes. Between January and April 2022, there was a 1,696 percent increase above the historical monthly norm.

It’s time to face the truth. The American public was lied to. The claims went from “Safe and Effective” to what seems like an unending stream of boosters, which in itself proves that their original claim was a lie. Not only did the vaccine not protect you from Covid, but It also causes heart damage, blood clots and immune system damage.

For me, being aware of this information makes the decision not to rehire the pilots more than troublesome. The mandate was unconstitutional from the beginning. Liberals chant “My body My life” at every abortion rally across the country, but choosing to protect yourself from becoming a guinea pig is justification for firing. Imagine the outrage if women were fired for having an abortion. In today’s society taking a life is accepted, protecting your own, not so much.

The bill to reinstate the pilots was introduced by Representative Marjorie Taylor Green (Ga.) and brought to the floor by Representative Mary Miller (Ill.). Unfortunately, it failed to pass when every Democrat except one, Jared Golden (Maine) and 83 Rhinos voted against it.

The mandates were implemented by executive order in 2021 and required all federal contractors to get the jab. The mandate prompted legal action from pilots, including the Southwest Airline Pilots Association (SWAPA) in an attempt to block the mandate.

On Wednesday, Green gave an impassioned plea as she filed the amendment.

“Hundreds of pilots were forced out of their livelihoods over the past several years for their refusal to get COVID vaccine. They were denied medical freedom to decide whether they should take the experimental COVID vaccine or lose their job.” 

Ironically, after Green’s bill failed to pass, the House vigorously approved a secondary bill labeled the “Securing Growth and Robust Leadership in American Aviation Act.” The bill renews the authority and legal power of the FAA through the fiscal year of 2028, raises the retirement age of pilots to sixty-seven and paves the way to recruit and train additional air traffic controllers as well as other aviation workers. The bill also contains provisions that would … wait for it … circumvent future pilot shortages.

The airline industry is in the midst of a pilot shortage that is hampering the travel plans of Americans. Yet, knowing the damage caused by the jab was severe enough that it necessitated the industry to change its health standards, the Democrats and Rhinos still will not allow these pilots to fly.

Let that sink in. Cardiac results that would have grounded pilots in the past, are now FAA approved, but those that were wise enough to protect themselves are outcasts.

In December of last year, the Department of Transportation announced plans to award $1.5 billion in grants for projects that promote “racial equality, environmental justice and union jobs in transportation.”

At the time, former Hud Secretary Dr. Ben Carson, expressed outrage and called the bill:

“A Christmas wish list of the woke left.”

The FAA has made being in the air more dangerous for Americans. While the Democrats and “transgender Republicans” have ruined the lives of many hardworking men and women on the ground.

On Thursday they had a chance to begin correcting a past mistake. Instead, they made the cuts deeper.