Tuesday, October 08, 2024

Time for The Military To Surrender Pushing LGBTQ Propaganda By Spending Taxpayer Money

Everything and anything concerning LGBTQ is being made a high priority by the left. This is in spite of the fact that they are a minuscule part of the population. I donโ€™t even think the radical left thought it would be this easy to start such a morally catastrophic brush fire. This plague is truly a fire from hell and it is ravaging our schools and has even infiltrated our military in ways no one could have foreseen.

The military, for all of its perceived flaws, was a bastion of rigidity regarding American values. It was because it needed to be. A fighting force needs to know in the pit of its being what it is fighting for. It cannot flinch or have any doubt about what it must do when the time comes. A fighting machine that hesitates because it questions the legitimacy of its moral fiber will find itself defeated.

In todayโ€™s world, where other countries are strengthening their military forces, the U.S. has decided that social adjustment, for the worse, should be at the top of its agenda. So much so that Representative Chip Roy from Texas has seen enough. On June 1st he sent a letter to the Secretary of Defense criticizing the military for โ€œexpending vital resources on this type of political maneuvering, most apparent during the month of June.โ€ He then pointed out that it โ€œis inconsistent with the national security interests of the United States and is an inexcusable use of taxpayer dollars.”

He has given the U.S. military only until July 14th to provide a full accounting of  DoD spending on all LGBTQ activities during the leftist created โ€œPride Monthโ€ in June.

Roy explained that if the military continues to pressure its commanders to:

“publicly demonstrate their allegiance to this agenda will further erode the unity within our service ranks and the publicโ€™s confidence in our fighting force. Despite plummeting recruitment numbers and pushback from Congress, DoD appears adamant about spending taxpayer dollars to impose this blatantly political agenda on our men and women in uniform. We believe the American people deserve a full accounting of the resources that DoD expends on these contentious initiatives during the month of June.”

In a tweet on June 28th Roy, reiterated that:

“In the meantime, our team is tracking the receipts.โ€ One of the most egregious ways that he has found taxpayer abuse was that “Your taxpayer dollars were used to fly service members across the country to Pride events. Obviously, rainbow parades are critical to prepare the armed forces to face lethal threats like China and Russia.”

In his letter to the Secretary of Defense, Roy specifically requested:

  • A list and brief description of every LGBTQ+ observance activity that each DoD service component (including Guard and Reserve) authorizes, approves, or encourages during the month of June 2023.
  • A description of how each LGBTQ+ observance activity that each DoD service component (including Guard and Reserve) authorizes, approves, or encourages during the month of June 2023 advances military readiness or lethality.
  • A copy of any promotional materials and/or written communication distributed to service members or DoD civilians to advertise each LGBTQ+ observance activity that each DoD service component (including Guard and Reserve) authorizes, approves, or encourages during the month of June 2023.
  • The amount of appropriated or non-appropriated funds, as well as the total number and cost of military, civilian, and contractor workhours, that each DoD service components (including Guard and Reserve) requires to plan, host, promote, or otherwise carry out each LGBTQ+ observance activity.

In spite of resistance from Republicans in Congress on July 4th, Just the news reported that:

“Federal spending on these issues is only poised to grow. Biden released his proposed federal budget in March, requesting record funding levels for an array of LGBT projects.”

There may be a flicker of light at the end of this perverse tunnel. In his tweet on June 28th, Roy complimented both the Navy and the Air Force for at least partially waking up from their โ€œwoke coma.โ€

“The Air Force canceled their drag show, the Navy took down their pride posts. Maybe the DoD is taking the hint: our service men and women, and the American people, DO NOT want woke indoctrination in the military.”

Roy isnโ€™t alone in his pursuit of the elimination of wasteful spending. Marco Rubio, a Representative from Florida, introduced the โ€œBoondoggle Actโ€ in an attempt to eliminate the military from wasting taxpayers money by flying servicemembers all over hellโ€™s creation to attend โ€œpride events.โ€ Sen. Tom Cotton, Representative from Arkansas, and Sen. Bill Cassidy, Representative from Louisiana, are listed as co-sponsors of the Boondoggle Act.

By definition, boondoggle means; work or activity that is wasteful or pointless but gives the appearance of having value. However, Rubio has created his own  acronym for the word. “Banning Overspending on Non-Defense Objectives at Gratuitous Gatherings and Learning Events.โ€

In the bill, it limits:

“professional development travel and transportation allowances to training that relates to the military occupational specialty of the member.” The bill would rightfully ban any allowances for activities or events that are “related to the sexual orientation of the member, or that promote the sex, race, or religion of the member as superior or inferior to another sex, race, or religion.โ€™โ€™

โ€œThe U.S. Department of Defense, has been using taxpayer dollars to fly service members to Pride events in Washington, D.C. This is a gross misuse of taxpayer money, as these events have no relation to military training or defense. The DoDโ€™s limited budget should only be used to ensure that the U.S. military is the most lethal fighting force in the history of the world, not to celebrate the leftโ€™s new civic religion.โ€

Back in March, in an interview with Center Square, Rubio again blasted the Biden administration:

“The United States military is the greatest fighting force in the world but woke activists in the Biden Administration are undermining military readiness, cohesion, and purpose.  We cannot allow these left-wing crazies to hollow out our military. The world is an increasingly dangerous place and Americaโ€™s security requires a strong military capable of deterring and if need be, defending our nation.โ€

To what extent is this administration picking Americaโ€™s pocket for this delusion? Well, according to a report by Just The News, the DoD comptroller indicates that there is now $86.5 million dollars set aside for โ€œdedicated diversity and inclusion activities.โ€

As I think about this surging wave of lethal degeneracy, two quotes come to mind.

โ€œAmerica will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed it ourselves.”

Abraham Lincoln

โ€œThe true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him.โ€

                                                          G.K. Chesterton
