Tuesday, October 08, 2024

VIDEO: Kennedy Says Somebody’s Lying About Hunter Biden’s Crimes

We could write a whole book about this, but we don’t really need to. Most of our readers know that the investigation of the multiple shady deals Hunter Biden, the son of the current president, made with slimy foreign operators while shaking them down for bribes he shared with his father. But a House committee investigating the robust pattern of influence-peddling and bribe-taking is getting a lot closer to the bottom, and whistleblowers like IRS agent Gary Shapley have come forward with not only evidence of illicit deals but obstruction of the investigation by the very people supposedly in charge of it within the Justice Department.

And Fox and Friends did a pretty good segment on the latest developments, starring Sen. John Kennedy. Kennedy’s analogy at the beginning is perfect – he referenced that awful feeling you get when you flush the toilet and the water starts rising and you realize there’s a massive mess to be cleaned up, which is what these whistleblowers are creating for Merrick Garland, the Attorney General who has been attempting to flush the Hunter Biden investigation with a sweetheart plea deal.

And he says something that’s obvious, which is that either Shapley and the other whistleblowers are lying, or Garland and David Weiss, the US Attorney in Delaware who attempted to cut Hunter loose with that plea deal and can’t give a straight answer about what prosecutorial authority he actually has, have been trying to defraud that House committee and the American people.

We don’t think it’s the whistleblowers, because what could possibly be in it for them? It’s reasonably apparent that’s Kennedy’s assessment as well.

He says something else quite pithy, which is that there’s a sort of codependency between Joe Biden and Donald Trump, in that both of them believe the other is their best chance of winning in 2024 – and in Biden’s case, this assessment explains the obviously political indictments of Trump which are being pushed by his special counsel attack dog Jack Smith; Team Biden knows that persecuting Trump only bolsters his support within the GOP electorate while doing it no favors with the public as a whole.

But of course this only helps Biden if he’s the Democrat nominee. What’s not discussed in the segment is the growing appearance that he might well be physically, much less mentally, capable to run for president next year and his party could well opt to replace him with Gavin Newsom or Michelle Obama or someone else. And what dynamic that would present vis a vis the Trump indictments isn’t fully fleshed out.