Sunday, March 16, 2025

What Could Go Wrong? Transgender Triple Murderer Sent To Women’s Prison

The radical left is so impressed with themselves when they generate an idea, that they fail to differentiate a good one from a bad one. Let’s face it, all the ideas they generate are bad. Here’s a perfect example, even though they know that male prisoners are now claiming to be transgender just to get sent to a women’s prison, they play along.

This isn’t anything knew for the left. They pat themselves on the back and proclaim that they are inclusive, which is ridiculous. What they are is idiotic. Allowing biological men to compete in women’s sports isn’t inclusive, it’s oppressive to natural biological women. True inclusion should not victimize and punish others. The prison system is just another platform for them to exploit. They show the women housed there no respect; in fact it places them in danger.

David Warfield, who is now known as Dana Rivers was convicted last November of the murders of Patricia Wright and Charlotte Reed, who were lesbians in their 50’s and their 19-year-old son Benny Diambu-Wright.

In 2016, Warfield stabbed and shot the women in their home, while their son was found in the street dead from gunshot wounds. After killing the family, Warfield had the bright idea to douse the garage with gasoline and to set it on fire, presumably to cover up evidence. Unfortunately for this criminal Einstein, police caught him exiting the house covered in blood and stinking of gasoline carrying bullets and brass knuckles.

Warfield was obviously charged with three counts of first-degree murder as well as arson and on June 14th he was sentenced to life without the possibility of parole. However, two days later this triple murderer was transferred to the Central California Woman’s Facility located in Chowchilla, California.

It’s no surprise that this act of madness took place in the liberal playground of California. Since 2021, the radical left has allowed 47 male inmates that identify as either transgender or non-binary to transfer to women’s prisons. They continue this practice even though female inmates have been sexually assaulted by these individuals. In some cases female inmates have actually sued the state over the attacks.

Kara Dansky is a women’s rights activist that has been protesting against Warfield’s possible transfer for months. In her opinion, she believes that Warfield’s crime was specifically against women since the murdered couple were lesbians. In a New York Post Interview, Dansky said this:

“There was something truly vile about the way this was carried out and his obvious hatred of her. My feeling from knowledge of the case is that he killed her because he couldn’t be her and he shouldn’t be in prison with other women.”

Another activist, that actually spent five years in the same women’s prison, also spoke out against the move. Amie Ichikawa said that female inmates are afraid when transgenders are moved into the prison.

“They get very anxious when a (trans-identifying man) gets processed in. Even when they’re post-op, if they get mad they go right back to angry man mode.”

In 1999, Warfield was a teacher at Center High School in Antelope California. Even then this clown was dangerous, openly discussing his sex change plans with students. He told officials there that he was planning to have a sex change operation over the summer and then return in the fall to teach as a woman.

Unlike what would take place today, back in 1999 officials warned Warfield not to discuss his sex change plans with students. However, he disregarded those instructions and continued to talk about his plans with students. He even went as far as to grant an interview with the school paper where he not only discussed his sex change plans, but also his alcoholism, his three failed marriages and his paranoia over being rejected by students.

Trying to soften the damage, the school board penned a letter to the parents explaining that Warfield was tenured and had established a good performance record so their hands were tied. Still, the outrage from parents when they learned of his private conversations with students was overwhelming and paved the way for the district to fire him. Warfield sued the school district and buoyed by a Los Angeles Times puff piece, reached a settlement for $150,000.

Warfield then is thought to have become the enforcer for the “Deviants,” an all-female biker club that has ties to the “Hell’s Angels.” Warfield at that time was known as “Edge” and sported a tattoo indicating he was a 1 percenter, a reference to the percentage of motorcycle clubs that are criminal.

One of the women that Warfield murdered was a former member of the Deviants. After she quit the club, the group began threatening her and she was eventually killed along with her partner and son by Warfield.

Knowing all of this, the state of California has still seen fit to transfer this piece of scum to an all-women’s facility. Proving once again that there is no limit to the depths of stupidity that the left can reach.