Sunday, March 16, 2025

What Exactly Does Hunter Biden Have To Do To Be Prosecuted?

If you’re like me, you haven’t really been following a lot of the specific details of the Hunter Biden story. The reason for that certainly isn’t because I think he’s innocent, or because I think his crimes are no big deal. No, the reason I have avoided learning every new development in this clown’s story is really out of self-preservation. His story, and that of the entire filthy Biden crime family, is  infuriating because you know nothing will be done to prosecute any of them. So why torture myself when under the current tiered justice system, “The Big Guy,” and his perverted, arrogant, drug addicted son are untouchable.

Still, after saying all of that, recent pictures and videos that have been released of some of Hunter’s escapades, make you wonder if there can continue to be no ceiling on his deviance.

We all know by now that Hunter loves crack, prostitutes and using daddy’s position to skate through the days of his raunchy so-called life. So it was no surprise that Biden took pictures while driving his Porsche through Nevada on his way to hook up with prostitutes in Las Vegas.

What is disconcerting about that joy ride was that he was smoking crack while driving 172 mph. In another tamer incident, Biden took a picture of himself smoking crack while driving to an airport through a residential area in Arlington Virginia. These weren’t his only driving exploits and he shared more in his “memoir.”

That’s right, believe it or not, this crack head actually published a book. I’m sure that came about with a large helping of daddy’s influence. Titled “Beautiful Things,” it was published in 2021. In the book, he related a story about wrecking a rental car in the middle of a twelve-day, crack fueled bender in 2016. At the time, he was supposedly on his way to a rehab clinic speeding along a highway outside of Palm Springs. According to him, he nodded off and described the accident in the book this way:

“Waking up an instant later, I found myself in midair, the car having jumped a soft curb on the passing lane and soaring at eighty miles an hour into a cloudless blue sky, heading into the gulch that divided I-10. The car spun into the westbound lanes–the same direction as the oncoming traffic. Miraculously, there was a gap in the traffic until my car stopped dead in the emergency lane, hissing and coughing. It rested on four flat tires, with cacti and scrub brush wrapped around the undercarriage. I was shaking, still amped up from being in the middle of my twelve-day roll.”

I love the “flowery” language used to describe this accident. “a soft curb on the passing lane.” “Soaring eighty miles an hour into a cloudless blue sky.” “hissing and coughing it rested on four flat tires, with cacti and scrub wrapped around the undercarriage.” Seriously? It’s a nauseatingly sweet description, that I doubt Biden even wrote. That’s like describing a nuclear bomb drop as a blinding flash of magnificent light, followed by a billowing mushroom shaped cloud with deep contrasting hues of color accompanied by a strong summer breeze.

Of course being a Biden, he then lied to Hertz claiming that someone had run him off of the road. Then after abandoning the car, he picked up another rental and continued on his merry way to his “rehab” in Arizona. Here is the way he describes the rest of his trip to the clinic:

“To stay awake, I chain-smoked crack and cigarettes, kept the windows down, and leaned into the bracing night air whenever I felt myself nodding off. At some point, the crack lost its oomph, but I kept lighting up anyway, out of force of habit. Sometimes I just slapped myself in the face.”

Meanwhile, following an anonymous tip from a “Joseph McGee” the people at Hertz found the car had been abandoned outside of a rental office in Prescott Arizona. The car was a Jeep Compass and inside they found credit cards, the idiot’s phone, his driver’s license (so how did he rent another car?), drug paraphernalia, white powder, and his dead brother’s Beau’s Delaware Attorney General Badge. The keys were found in the gas cap.

In the book, Biden stated that “after googling my name and Beau’s, the manager called the local police, who called the Secret Service, who called my dad.”

Well, so how many times can one punk get off. These are drug crimes and as solacious as they are, they don’t even scratch the surface on Junior’s use of “Big Daddy” for international embezzlement and espionage.

By the way, Sheila Polk, an attorney that is known for being very tough on drug crimes in Yavapai County declined to prosecute the case. This is the same judge that wanted police to write up felony charges for possession of cannabidiol (CBD), a hemp substance that does not cause a high. Her decision came after the police had conducted a four-month investigation.

By sheer coincidence, (wink, wink) her decision not to prosecute Junior came just three weeks before lab tests proved that cocaine was present in the pipe found in Joy Boy’s vehicle.

Hunter and the Biden family have escaped prosecution for decades. Hunter’s crimes mask the face of deeply hidden espionage and a money laundering syndicate that has escaped prosecution like few American crime families ever have.

They have the DOJ, FBI, and the press on their side, so it will take an enormous public outcry to derail their train of corruption. We need to use the cracks that Hunter has provided to dig deeper into what is behind the Biden’s curtain.