Friday, March 14, 2025

Jack Smith Is Adam Schiff 2.0. Different Lies, Smaller Eyes

Prior to the 2020 election, Adam “pencil neck” Schiff led the lie brigade against Donald Trump with fabricated Russian collusion allegations. The allegations which led every news cast for two years, were ultimately proven to be false. Then ever so quietly, it was shown that the DNC were actually the only ones with Russian ties.

With the 2024 election looming on the horizon and Donald Trump again leading all other GOP candidates, enter the ever-overzealous Jack Smith. Smith has a reputation of being a tough prosecutor, he also has a tendency to overstep. Physical characteristics aside, Smith is doing exactly the same thing as Schiff, creating a distraction.

The Democrats use a tactic known as “projection” at every opportunity. Projection is the art of accusing whoever or whatever the are pursuing with the exact crime that they themselves are committing. In Schiff’s case, while he was accusing Trump of collusion, it was the DNC that was colluding. Now, Smith wants you to believe that Trump committed election interference by exercising his First Amendment rights on January 6th. It’s not true of course, but by bringing these false accusations now, it is the Democrats that are committing interference, by wrongly accusing the leading GOP candidate.

Here’s another example of how radical liberals are currently using projection to try and manipulate public opinion. Transgender activists are accusing conservatives of being a “threat” to transgenders and gender identity in general. It isn’t true. The radical activists view any person, school board, or piece of legislation that doesn’t allow them to do whatever they please in our classrooms as a “threat.” So they “project” that conservatives attempting to limit their free reign, as threatening, when their radical ideology is the real threat. These same people are also claiming that if parents don’t agree with allowing their child to undergo puberty blockers or mutilation via surgery, they may be exposing the child to higher suicide rates. Once again the opposite is true. Children that are not counseled concerning the fallacy of gender identity and are allowed to pursue it, have definitive suicide rates that are higher.

Back to Smith. Chosen by Trump hating Attorney General Merrick Garland, Smith was originally chosen to investigate Trump’s alleged improper maintenance of classified documents by having them at his residence. A practice that is far from uncommon. The only difference being that previous Attorneys General have smartly refused not to pursue because of its commonality and insignificance.

I’m sure that one of the main reasons Smith was chosen is because of his blind over zealousness. Garland views Smith as a wind-up toy prosecutor. Someone that will chew up a lot of time on the news cycle between now and the election. He’ll sound knowledgeable enough and when he loses the cases, it will only reflect badly on Smith, not on Democrats.

In 2014, Smith doggedly prosecuted the former Governor of Virginia, Robert McDonnell, and his wife Maureen, for improperly accepting gifts and loans from a donor. Although Smith originally won a conviction, the case was later unanimously overturned by the Supreme Court in an 8-0 vote. In his brief on the decision, Chief Justice John Roberts wrote:

“There is no doubt that this case is distasteful; it may be worse than that. But our concern is not with tawdry tales of Ferraris, Rolexes, and ball gowns. It is instead with the broader legal implications of the Government’s boundless interpretation of the federal bribery statute. Setting up a meeting, calling another public official, or hosting an event does not, standing alone, qualify as an official act.”

The High Court also rebuked Smith and warned that “the uncontrolled power of criminal prosecutors is a threat to our separation of powers.”

Three months later the case was remanded to a lower court and the Justice Department dismissed the charges against McDonnell and his wife Maureen.

Smith prosecuted and convicted former Democrat vice presidential nominee John Edwards. Although U.S. News described it this way:

“By not losing on any of the six felony counts for which he was being tried, John Edwards won the biggest victory of his political and legal life. A mistrial on five counts and an acquittal on one resulted in a clear, if not complete legal vindication and a likely fatal setback for federal prosecutors seeking to convict the former U.S. senator and 2004 Democratic vice-presidential nominee for allegedly violating the Federal Election Campaign Act.”

When Smith attempted to prosecute Democrat Bob Menendez on public corruption charges, the trial ended in a mistrial. Upon leaving the courtroom, Menendez told the Washington Examiner:

“The way this case started was wrong, the way it was investigated was wrong, the way it was prosecuted was wrong, and the way it was tried was wrong as well.”

Smith was successful in a highly controversial conviction of Arizona Congressman Rick Renzi on corruption charges. However, after the conviction was upheld by the Supreme Court, he was pardoned by then President Trump. Renzi was outspoken in his criticism of his conviction stating that he was:

“wrongly convicted by a Department of Justice that engaged in witness tampering, illegal wiretapping, and gross prosecutorial misconduct.”

Currently, Smith is under investigation by the House Judiciary Committee for his “Overzealous Investigations and Prosecutions.” Representative Jim Jordan who chairs the committee, sent a letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland expressing concerns that Smith’s probe may be politicized by the FBI, which is already suffering from a lack of public trust for involving itself in the phony Russian hoax.

Smith is the perfect pawn for liberal Democrats. He will throw as much mud against the wall of justice as he can. Not because facts compel him to do so, but because he has been appointed to run interference prior to next years election.

The Democrats are inept at everything, except maintaining leverage and power. They excel at that by using, lies, deceit, distractions, and projection. The current Democratic party is the most corrupt and dangerous in the history of our nation. The American people need to come to that realization, but just as importantly, so do the elected conservatives at every level of government. You weren’t elected to observe the destruction of a nation, you were elected to save it.