Friday, March 14, 2025

Tucker Interviews Devon Archer, And It’s No Secret What Was Going On

What’s important in the 11 minutes and 43 seconds of this episode of Tucker Carlson’s Twitter – er, X – podcast interview of Hunter Biden business partner Devon Archer isn’t so much what’s said.

It’s what goes unsaid.

You probably already understand what’s going on here. Archer took Hunter Biden on as a business partner on the latter’s promise that he could move governmental mountains based on his ability to leverage his father’s political influence, particularly as Joe Biden was the Vice President at the time. Archer partnered with Hunter right after the 2008 presidential election, and they set up shop doing a private equity firm that had a unique value proposition – unlike the typical Wall Street crowd, these were the guys who didn’t have to factor in regulatory costs as part of their business models because they “had a guy who would know a guy” and could short-circuit the process.

Which is a pretty unethical plan of doing business, but then again Archer’s other business partner was Christopher Heinz, who’s the stepson of John Kerry. This thing was, from the very beginning, going to be an influence-peddling operation masking as a private equity firm.

It is what it is.

You’ll hear Archer refer to Hunter as an Icarus-style figure – “he flew too close to the sun.” Essentially, what he’s saying is this experience taught him that if you’re going to play a game like Rosemont Seneca was playing, your “guy who knows a guy” needs to be somebody connected just a little lower and less high-profile. Whether Archer knew the full extent of the Biden bribery/shakedown operation isn’t really fleshed out in the interview; Archer seems to present it as something that wasn’t really in his wheelhouse. We’re agnostic as to how truthful that is.

Having said that, Archer doesn’t come off as a totally unsympathetic figure. He’s basically saying that yeah, when they brought Hunter on as a partner and they were schmoozing these investors, many of whom were sleazy operators from overseas, it was a very non-secret value proposition that the Vice President of the United States was somebody they had on speed dial, so when they said they could handle regulatory issues you as an investor had to know they weren’t bullshitting you.

And that was pretty successful, for a while.

Now – can Archer speak to the full extent of the Biden bribes? Well, no – you wouldn’t expect him to. He has enough legal trouble courtesy of a different business venture of his that went wrong, and what he isn’t going to do is admit that he was a partner in an influence-peddling and shakedown operation that involved the Bidens selling out American policy in places like Ukraine and China. That’s not what this is about. What Archer’s statements to Carlson, which we assume at least track with his testimony on Monday in front of the House Oversight Committee, signify is that Joe Biden has shamelessly lied to the American people about his involvement in his son’s business.

Trace the money from those Rosemont Seneca investors into the bank accounts of Hunter and The Big Guy, and match up these 20-something contacts where Joe was brought in on calls and meetings to “talk about the weather,” in the ridiculous weasel words of Team Biden shill Rep. Dan Goldman, and you’ve got a pretty strong case for this influence-peddling scandal.

But again, watch this, and you’ll notice it’s what Archer doesn’t say but unmistakably implies during the interview which is most damning.