Wednesday, October 23, 2024

What’s Going on in South Africa?

If you followed the news this weekend, you may heard about a South African political rally that went viral. South Africa’s third largest political party–the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) party–was celebrating its 10th anniversary at a large rally in Johannesburg. The EFF has over 2 million followers Twitter and garnered about 11% of the vote in South Africa’s 2019 elections. This particular EFF rally drew nearly 100 thousand attendees for this anniversary rally.

Here is a description of the group on the EFF website: “The Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) is a radical and militant economic emancipation movement, formed in the year 2013 with the aim of bringing together revolutionary, militant activists, community-based organizations as well as lobby groups under the umbrella of the political party pursuing the struggle of economic emancipation.”

From this description, you can probably tell that the EFF is a radical Marxist political party. However, this party’s open Marxism is not the surprising part of the situation. Here is the truly disturbing piece of news from the rally: the EFF’s leader Julius Malema gave speech in which he called for the death of white South Africans. Don’t believe it? Watch this video clip:

Listen closely to Malema’s words: “Shoot to kill … Kill the Boer, the farmer”.

This tweet has garnered several million impressions over the past few days–showing just how shocking this video is. In fact, South African native Elon Musk replied to this video clip by tweeting at South Africa’s president Cyril Ramaphosa about this threatening oratory.

Unfortunately, Malema’s dangerous rhetoric indicates a growing problem in South Africa–the targeted killings of white South African farmers over the past several years.

Back in 2018, then-President Trump tweeted about this issue, and Tucker Carlson highlighted this issue in 2019 episode of his old Fox News show.

For context, Malema has a long-running record of promoting anti-white rhetoric and praising brutal dictators like Robert Mugabe. So, his actions and rhetoric should come to no surprise. Nevertheless, we should all keep a close eye on the actions unfolding in South Africa.

In American media and higher education, we can see the seeds of anti-white sentiment starting to germinate–from proposed reparations in California to the promotion of CRT books (i.e. Ibram X Kendi) in American education. So, we must all keep a watchful eye to stop the anti-American, anti-white CRT movement in American culture and education.