Monday, March 17, 2025

With “Karma” In Goal, Sweden Boots Uninspired U.S. Women

The U.S. women’s soccer team entered the World Cup looking to make history … and they did. Earlier today, they became the earliest U.S. team to bow out of the Olympics, or World Cup ever. In fact, it was a disgracefully poor showing for a number of reasons. This team scored only four goals in the four games that they managed to “compete” in. Prior to this year, the lowest goal total by any U.S. women’s World Cup team was twelve. In addition, no U.S. women’s team has ever finished lower than third. This squad of leftist whiners, will finish somewhere around twelfth, depending on how the remaining teams finish.

Like prior U.S. teams that have lost in similar situations on the world stage, this loss wasn’t met with almost universal disappointment intertwined with some anger. This loss elicited smiles and happiness from many Americans. Not because they aren’t true patriots and certainly not because they don’t love this country. The smiles are the result of this teams obvious disdain for the country that they were supposed to be representing.

The World Cup is nothing like the NFL, NHL, or MLB, where teams represent only their city and fan base. On an international stage, this team was there to proudly represent our nation. Not their personal beliefs or, complaints about politics or policies. Guess what, they couldn’t do it.

Some will say that the fact that they didn’t put their hand over their hearts, or sing the national anthem had nothing to do with their play. On the surface that would be true, but it’s deeper than that. Go back and look at the expressions on their faces. Their expressions reflected their attitudes and that is undeniable.

This team was NOT proud to represent the United States of America. In fact, other than being overwhelmed with a self-righteous combination of petulance and arrogance, this group didn’t possess the capacity to feel anything. Yes, and that WAS obvious in the way they played.

This team will go down in history as an example of how talent can be circumvented by an agenda. A belief system that’s rooted in layers of lies about our country’s history, its present and its future. A belief system that teaches reality doesn’t matter, even about something as basic as genetics and chromosomes. A belief system that poisons peoples minds with distractions and untruths. A belief system that taught this team a reality that they will carry with them from this day forward.

Say what you will, but this team lacked joy and enthusiasm. Two simple emotions that are crucial to life. There is no room for those feelings in the woke agenda. To be woke, for all of its claims of freedom and inclusion, … no-one is free.

All things outside of the left’s preset parameters are wrong. Proving that everything people find embraceable needs to be destroyed, that is the goal of the left. Unfortunately, that’s just another lie, and trying to achieve that unrealistic ideal is stifling the best of human nature.

It is said that sports replicates life. It’s also a truism that we learn more from failure than victory. I doubt that this team, as wrapped up in themselves as they are, will learn anything from this experience. However, maybe the rest of us can. There are endless things about ourselves and our lives that should be embraced, not ridiculed, and certainly not disposed of.

The U.S. soccer team lost because they couldn’t score. Once prolific and relentless, their attack stalled or was thwarted time and time again.

If they learned nothing else from this tournament of tears, hopefully they now realize that Karma is not only a bitch, it’s also a helluv a goalie.