Friday, February 28, 2025

“Fatphobia” A New Way To Empower The Left

Has anyone else noticed that the left doesn’t see themselves as guilty of anything. However, if your conservative or on the “right” according to woke liberals, you have an endless list of phobias.

The truth is that quite a while ago, the left learned the value of playing the victim. It’s the woke equivalent of flopping in sports. If a conservative makes a commonsense comment, you’re attacking the left and you’re branded with some type of phobia. Believe that Israel is correct in their battle with Hamas, and you have Islamophobia. Speak your mind about the fact that biology and science matter in determining what men and women are and you’re transphobic. The list is long and frankly, ridiculous. It seems as though everyone needs a phobia to hide behind and the reality of the way things are doesn’t matter.

One of the newest ways to persecute those that see reality and may comment on it is now known as “fatphobia.” That’s right, if someone is overweight or just downright “fat,” you apparently can be labeled “fatphobic” if you don’t believe they are best suited for a particular position.

Recently, New York City and the state of Colorado have enacted laws banning discrimination against height or weight. Meaning they are added to the list of issues such as race, age, gender, or religion. In New York, any weight discrimination claims will be handled by New York’s Commission on Human Rights.

The bill was signed by leftist Mayor Eric Adams. When the bill was signed, Commissioner Annabel Palma stated: “Most forms of appearance-based discrimination have persisted unchecked.” The bill itself was sponsored by a city councilman named Shaun Abreu, an apparent snowflake that felt he was treated differently by others after gaining 40 pounds of extra weight during the pandemic. So, because Abreu felt self-conscious and was paranoid, he thought it was a good idea to create an actual law to dissuade employers from discriminating against fat people.

Abreu claims that, “It’s also about changing the culture in how we think about weight.”  Really, or is it about giving people just another excuse to play the victim. At a City Council meeting earlier in the year. A college student complained that the desks were too small. Under the new law, if she can prove that the small desks are a result of discrimination, she could likely sue the school. Another woman complained that “she had faced body shaming and pressure to develop an eating disorder.” Body shaming? Pressure to develop an eating disorder? It’s as though the left is trying to outlaw everything that would make someone feel even slightly uncomfortable.

Not surprisingly, Democrat leftist Adrienne Adams thinks the new law is great:

“All New Yorkers, regardless of their body shape or size, deserve to be protected from discrimination under the law. Body size discrimination affects millions of people every year, contributing to harmful disparities in medical treatment and outcomes, blocking people from access to opportunities in employment, housing and public accommodations, and deepening existing injustices that people face. New York City is leading the nation with this groundbreaking anti-discrimination law.”

Translation: This is another way for Democrats to pander to a group of people and make them believe that they are being discriminated against. Employers want to hire the best people for a position, but they must consider all aspects of the requirements. You can’t hire someone that is overweight if it would interfere with their ability to handle certain physical aspects of the job. Similarly, as in the case of the student that complained about the size of the desk, what does she expect the school to do? The manufacturer builds the desks according to a standard size, the school has nothing to do with it.

The bill was backed by the National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance (NAAFA). (Yes, this organization does exist). Tigress Osborn, who chairs the group said “This is such a powerful moment for anyone who has ever faced discrimination simply because of the size of their body.”


Joseph Borelli, the Republican New York City Council minority leader, told the New York Times

that the law would allow New Yorkers to “sue anyone and everything.”

In a separate interview with Daily Mail, Borelli said this:

“I’m overweight, but I’m not a victim. No one should feel bad for me except my struggling shirt buttons.”

Borelli is correct. All this law does is give another group of people carte blanche to allow their feelings to run amuck and punish others for phantom reasons. This law solves nothing, but it does create what the left wants, more division, more anger, and more animosity.

Those are intangibles that the left never gets tired of loading the scale with.