Sunday, January 26, 2025

Truth And Consequences, High School Student Punished For Telling The Truth

“The truth is still the truth, even if no one believes it. A lie is still a lie, even if everyone believes it.”

Somewhere along the line, rational thought has been replaced with absurd deceit. What does it say about a society that stands by and allows absolute falsification of life truths? What does it say about an educational system, paid for by the hard work of American taxpayers, that hardens the hearts and eradicates sincere decency from the minds of children and young adults.

These are questions that unfortunately arise every single day in schools across our country. No student is sparred. Starting in elementary school at ages as young as six, the fabrications of deranged woke thinking are taught as gospel. These lies continue to be taught through preteen junior high schools and to young adults in high school. Then, those that so desire and can afford to do so, get to attend what used to be considered institutions of higher learning. Sadly, now many are nothing more than leftist shrines, where bigotry, hatred and projectionism are taught as finishing courses.

How bad has it become, am I exaggerating in my descriptions? Well, consider what happened to a 10th grade student that attends Chief Sealth International High School in Seattle. An Ethnic Studies World History teacher recently gave a quiz to the students there. The leftist based quiz was nothing more than an assault on the sensibilities of the class. Titled “Understanding Gender vs Sex,” it was comprised of true and false, as well as some multiple-choice questions.

Many of the questions focused on the use of personal pronouns. For instance, (When someone uses ‘they/them’ pronouns, what does that mean about their gender identity?” or assumptions one may make around gender identity. (“True/false: Transgender people are gay.”)

The school should be forced to answer why a quiz like this was even given. It has nothing to do with the education that parents expect or that students need. Asking questions like these exposes students to vulnerabilities that are frankly none of the school’s business. Yet, this school district didn’t stop at just asking prying questions. They decided to pass judgment on the answers, even when their judgement was totally wrong and driven by woke ideology.

On this quiz, question 4 was true or false. The question: “All men have penises.” The student answered “True” because it is. However, the teacher marked the answer wrong, claiming that women can also have penises.

Question 7 was also true or false. It asked, “Only women can get pregnant.” Once again, the student answered correctly “True.” Yet, the teacher marked it wrong, insisting that men can also get pregnant.

The student’s mother was rightfully angry and frustrated. So, she called the Jason Rantz show that airs on KTTH. She told Rantz that she had contacted the school but was “met with silence.”

“I keep trying to wrap my head around how it is legal to teach inaccurate information and force students to answer against their beliefs or receive negative scores.”

A great question, one that should never need to be asked. To add insult to injury, she asked Ranz to remain anonymous so her son wouldn’t be harassed.  

She also told the Rantz Show that she worries about the school routinely allowing teachers to bring political beliefs into the classroom. The gender identity issue is just one example. She also said her child, who is white, routinely faces scrutiny for his skin color and so-called privilege.

Unbelievably, she also intimated that various teachers have called her son, “f****d and racist, a product of the patriarchy that teaches young boys not to care about anything, and that he shouldn’t use the term straight to identify as because its offensive.”

Seattle Public Schools, through a spokesperson, defended the quiz as “inclusive,” arguing it was appropriate for an Ethnic Studies course.

“Seattle Public Schools is dedicated to establishing inclusive environments that allow exploration of contemporary issues, specifically examining the impacts of power systems such as racism and patriarchy. This commitment extends to fostering welcoming and inclusive settings where students, staff, and families have the freedom to express their authentic selves.”

The spokesperson went on to say that the quiz was in line with state and local guidelines on these topics but failed to explain how any of these questions had anything to do with world history.

The student’s mother is proud that her son held his ground and answered the questions correctly, even though he failed the quiz based on leftist standards that have no connection with reality. The district did note that the failing grade won’t be held against his overall grade.

This is a clear case of where education has been replaced with indoctrination. The student answered the questions correctly but was failed based on nonsensical politically motivated lies. This is the censoring of truth and the denial of reality. The left cannot be allowed to rewrite what is right and wrong or to define what is just or unjust. The prism they view the world through is distorted and dangerous.

Remember, “The truth is still the truth, even if the left won’t believe it. A lie is still a lie, even if the woke worship it.”