Sunday, February 23, 2025

You Thought It Couldn’t get any Weirder? Here Come the Ecosexuals

Just when you’re convinced all the creepy demons from the left’s Pandora’s Box of horrors have been released, here comes something so bizarre you’ll question its authenticity. You’ll think it’s too strange to be true.

Yet, it’s here, and it’s real. Something called the ecosexual movement actually does exist, and it’s growing.

Trying to define and categorize an “ecosexual” is difficult because the term is broad and fluid. Perhaps the best way to understand what the movement represents is to let them define it. An ecosexual is:

1: A person that finds nature romantic, sensual and sexy.
2: A new sexual identity.
3: Person who imagines the Earth as their lover.
4: A term used in dating that describes a person interested in environmentalism.
5. An environmental activist strategy.
6. A new movement.
7. See the “Ecosexual Manifesto.”
8. Other…yet to be explored/defined.

The “Ecosexual Manifesto” includes six tenets that provide:

A declaration of who they are. “The earth is our lover. We are madly, passionately, and fiercely in love.” In essence, ecosexuals are sexually aroused when they think about the earth. They “shamelessly hug trees, massage the earth with their feet, and talk erotically to plants.” They “make love to the earth with their senses,” and “celebrate their E-spots.”

While they do not condone the use of violence per se, ecosexuals are committed to “saving the mountains, water and skies by any means necessary.” The group recognizes that some may choose to fight against those most responsible for destroying the earth by means of “civil disobedience, anarchist and radical environmental activist strategies.” I’m not sure exactly what that means, but I would imagine they would support blocking major roadways and destroying priceless art by throwing red paint on it.

Ecosexuals can be “GLBTQI, heterosexual, asexual, and/or other,” but for some of them, “ecosexual” is their primary sexual identity.

Are Ecosexuals Physically Intimate with the Environment?

It is difficult to determine just how intimate ecosexuals are with specific environmental elements. Their website is littered with sexually suggestive images and references, but the big question of physical intimacy is not addressed directly. There is a sense that the sexual part of the relationship with nature is left to the discretion of the individual, but what seems to be universal is an erotic sexual bond with the earth based on the senses.

The closest I could find to a direct reference came from an ecosexual woman who claims she has fallen in love with an oak tree. Sonja Semyonova describes the relationship with the tree as an “eroticism with something so big and so old holding my back.” She further explains, “The presence I feel with the tree is what I’m looking for but that’s a fantasy with a person. I had been craving that rush of erotic energy that comes when you meet a new partner and that is not sustainable.” Apparently, Sonja believes she has better prospects for a long-term relationship with the tree rather than a human.

Why Bother Wasting Time on These Crackpots?

The ecosexual concept is so strange and alien, I couldn’t help but wonder if it was worth diving deep into another poisoned woke rabbit hole. However, I decided to pursue the subject for a couple reasons.

It’s important to understand just how crazed these radical environmentalists truly are and recognize just how far they’re willing to go to force their bizarro-world agenda on the rest of us. I have no idea where this pandemic of delusional disorder originated, but it is pervasive and has become a major societal issue. If these nut jobs really believe they are in love and sexually stimulated by thoughts about the environment, then we have to wonder what extremes they will go to in order to protect it in the same way you or I would want to protect our loved ones. Basically, you would probably do anything to defend your family. In the warped mind of an ecosexual, does that give them the same right to defend nature?

Essentially, that means any tactic, no matter how severe, may be on the table. This is confirmed by their manifesto. While these people may represent the most extreme element in the environmental movement, many of their views are shared by the broader community. Imagine how your life will be impacted if they achieve just 10% of their stated goals.

Trust me on this: Banning gas stoves, gas powered vehicles, fireplaces and furnaces is just the beginning. They want you on public transportation, living in dense-pack apartments, eating algae and insect paste and sweltering in the summer without air conditioning.

While all that’s terrifying enough, that’s not the most important takeaway here. If you look at the ecosexual’s website URL, you will see their domain extension is That is the official domain of UC Santa Cruz, which is a state university funded in part by the California State General Fund. In other words, a major California institution of higher learning is sponsoring an organization dedicated to promoting environmental eroticism, and the citizens of California get to pay for it.

The ecosexual’s grantors list includes the Arts Research Institute at UCSC, the UCSC Arts Division, The University of California Institute for Research in the Arts, The UCSC Committee of Research Academic Senate, Santa Cruz County Community Foundation and the San Francisco Arts Commission.

I’ve left out the numerous LGBTQIA+ organizations that provide funding as well.

Do you see how the most perverse aspects of the woke movement is becoming mainstream? Well-regarded organizations that financially support people who believe they are in a sexual relationship with the environment only legitimize their psychosis. Instead of investing their money in authentic areas of artistic expression and fulfilling their original purpose, these state funded entities further promote mass delusional disorder. If being erotically stimulated by a tree is now conventional, one can only imagine what new horrors woke leftists have in store for us next.