Monday, March 03, 2025

Blowhard Democrat Proposes Tearing Down Statue Of Liberty

Some analogies are way off base. So far off base, that anyone that hears it, shakes their head, and tries to pretend that the person didnโ€™t say it. Whatโ€™s worse than making a bad analogy, is when the person then doubles down and proposes something equally ridiculous in an attempt to prove their point.

Enter Rep. Maxwell Frost, D-Fla. He like most Democrats, doesnโ€™t grasp the concept of legal immigration as opposed to a border invasion. At a House Oversight and Accountability Hearing on immigration, the House GOPโ€™s H.R.2 Secure the Border Act, was being discussed. The bill passed back in May and would restrict the asylum process for people crossing the border and require resumed construction on the border wall.

This triggered the freshman congressman, who is just one of many Democrats that oppose the bill. However, Frost took it a step further. First, he tried to mistakenly compare the welcome of immigrants on the inscription of the Statue of Liberty to what is taking place at the border. Then indignantly suggested that if Republicans were going to stand by their โ€œbigotedโ€ position, he would introduce a bill he wrote calling for the Statue to be torn down.

“My colleagues from the other side of the aisle, letโ€™s be honest with immigrants who deserve better than what youโ€™re offering them. Donโ€™t welcome immigrants if you plan to reject them. If you keep pushing your bigoted H.R.2 bill, then also pass this bill. Iโ€™ve taken the liberty of drafting it for you. It removes the Statue of Liberty, our largest symbol that tells people to come here.”

“This is who you are, removing the fabric of America. So, I want to know which Republican, who supports and voted for H.R.2, will introduce this bill,” he continued. “If youโ€™re gonna support H.R.2 and these bigoted measures, the least you can do is not be a damn liar.”

The famous inscription on the Statue of Liberty, which was written by Emma Lazarus, cannot in any way be compared to what is happening at the border.

โ€œGive me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!โ€

Immigrants entering our country were then and are now expected to do so legally. In times past, for the most part, those that came did just that. They also came to work and contribute, not to take and use the system. The idea has always been for those that come here to assimilate into American society. Today, far too many have no intention of doing that. Instead of cherishing their heritage, but appreciating that they need to embrace American culture, they are demanding and indignant. Many insisting that we as Americans succumb to their traditions.

Frost is not blind, and neither are his fellow Democrats. Their defense of what is taking place at the border makes them look foolish. Itโ€™s truly time to stop calling the border crises a surge of immigrants. This is a legitimate invasion, these people are not entering the country legally, and it must be stopped.

The left may want to ignore the human trafficking and drug trade that this invasion is allowing, but by defending it, they are in fact promoting it. The Biden administration has embraced this invasion and the harm that it will do to our country may be incalculable.

Perhaps Frost, who was elected to among other things to protect his constituents, may want to think twice before calling those that are trying to do that liars.

Even he should understand that a welcome mat at the front door doesnโ€™t mean the message is for anybody and everybody.