Monday, March 03, 2025

Oklahoma Rep Wants “Furries” Banned From Schools

In this day and age, there are times when laws that should never even need to be spoken about have to be enforced. I’m speaking about the need to ban activities that are so blatantly ridiculous, in a rational society laws to eliminate them wouldn’t be unnecessary.

Several months ago, I wrote about the phenomena known as “furries.” If you’re unfamiliar with this madness, it involves people who identify with animals who have human characteristics, like cartoon characters. Over the past several decades, they’ve formed a growing and inclusive community that according to these fruitcakes, offers acceptance, friendship, and the opportunity to express oneself.

Now you may be thinking to yourself, “that doesn’t sound that bad. If people want to dress up like animals and hang out together, what’s the harm?” The harm is that as usual, these people, when given an inch of acceptance, try and take a mile of entitlement.

In Oklahoma, State Rep. Justin Humphrey has had enough of this sickening sense of entitlement. He has introduced a law that would ban students from going to school dressed as a “furry.” See what I mean? These children, obviously with their demented parent’s approval, think that it’s ok to attend school in these get ups. A perfect example of taking what seems to be a harmless diversion and attempting to ram it down the throats of others. It’s also an example of needing to pass a law that shouldn’t be necessary but becomes so when moronic behavior by a few threatens the majority.

Humphrey’s bill, House Bill 3084, would ban “students who purport to be an imaginary animal or animal species, or who engage in anthropomorphic behavior commonly referred to as furries at school” from participating in class and school activities.

The bill would require parents or guardians to pick the student up from school, but, if parents are unable to pick the student up, the bill says, “animal control services shall be contacted to remove the student.”

In a video talking about the bill, Humphrey said he doesn’t want to see kids using litter boxes, and that people have “lost their minds” by allowing students to “pretend to be animals” at school.

“If they’re gonna be animals. Let’s send them to the pound, let’s send them home. How do you teach a cat math,” Humphrey said.

“People are going to call me insane for running this bill. Hell, I’d say they’re insane,” he said. “If you got an animal coming to school, how about we get them vaccinated? How about we get them neutered and how about we send them to the pound?”

Humphrey is absolutely correct. This law should not need to be enacted, and yet because of the idiocy of a few, it must be. The thought that a teacher, trying to teach a class, should have to put up with a distraction of this magnitude is pure madness. A pertinent question in cases like this is why would any parent indulge their child to this extent? This is pure selfish entitlement and can’t be considered normal under any circumstances.

Personally, I love the section of the bill that states if the parents can’t pick them up then animal control should be called to remove them. Since we haven’t created “moron control” yet, that will have to do.

If passed, the law would take effect in November.