Sunday, March 09, 2025

90 Years Old, 60 Years Of Service, Fired By Multiple Sclerosis Society For Pronouns

Within the mind of human consciousness God created limits. Mind you, the creator didn’t put them in place to stop us, they’re just there to alert us when we cross them. Most of the time, if we’re willing to admit it, we know when we cross those limits. We make a conscious choice to do so. There are other times when we cross those limits without thinking, and still other times when we consciously avoid crossing them.

Perfect example, I had a beautiful Beagle named Ally. We named her after the TV show Ally McBeal (Ally McBeagle, … get it?). Anyway, we lived on a cul-de-sac and just past our backyard, we had one half acre of wooded area behind us, and beyond that a farm. All of which added up to the perfect temptation for a Beagle.

To stop this temptation, we installed a buried charged fence around our yard. So, when Ally needed to go out, all we did was put her special collar on and left her out to her own devices. When she got close to the fence, she received a mild shock. Knowing this, I personally watched her make the decisions that I described above. There were times when she meandered around the yard, never thinking about the invisible fence. Other times, having picked up the scent of something that to her was too much to resist, she charged right through the limits of the yard without even feeling the sting. Then there was the third option. At times, she would walk down to the edge, unsure of what to do. She would weigh out her options and then make her decision.

The left has lost all feeling concerning their moral limits. Unlike Ally, when she charged through the invisible barrier based on instinct, the left charges through them daily. Every thought they have is based on greed and the desire to advance the fruition of a philosophy that they know is unsustainable & wrong.

They aren’t taking any hostages, and they leave only victims. Anyone that gets in the way of their agenda becomes their prey, someone that needs to be eliminated.

The Multiple Sclerosis Society (MS) has been inundated and consumed by wokeness. In January they heartlessly fired Fran Itkoff, a 90-year-old woman who lost her husband to the disease, and who had volunteered at the organization for 60 years. The reason? She didn’t understand the use of pronouns.

Fran was confused when she saw that people were listing their preferred pronouns at the bottom of emails. So, she asked why, and that question ended her 60-year career.

“I was confused, I didn’t know what it was, what it meant,” Itkoff told Libs of TikTok. “I’ve seen it on a couple of letters that had come in after the person’s name they had the pronouns, but I didn’t know what that meant.”

Fran was confused about how the “she/her” pronouns were labeled as all-inclusive if it referred to only females and not males.

The organization was accused of ageism, but in a released statement they made it clear that that it was about their agenda.

“Recently, a volunteer, Fran Itkoff, was asked to step away from her role because of statements that were viewed as not aligning with our policy of inclusion.”

Fran has been a valued member of our volunteer team for more than 60 years. We believe that our staff acted with the best of intentions and did their best to navigate a challenging issue.

“As an organization, we are in a continued conversation about assuring that our diversity, equity and inclusion policies evolve in service of our mission and will reach out to Fran in service of this goal.”

As if firing Fran wasn’t a heartless enough decision, this woke organization of fools did it via email.

A letter to a group

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The reaction on X was swift and negative. One user, Janice Dean from the Fox News Network that suffers with MS, demanded an answer from the organization.

“This woman has dedicated six decades of her life helping your organization. Her husband had MS, and it was a cause dear to her heart. What did she do that was so terrible that you had to fire her? We’re waiting for your response.”

Fran’s daughter, Elle Hamilton, had this to say:

“To me it’s ironic, because they are saying they are inclusive, but they are excluding a 90-year-old disabled woman who has volunteered for 60 years, and literally the sole purpose was to help the MS patients and find a cure. That’s literally all she does.”

On Tuesday, the National Multiple Sclerosis Society (NMSS) President and CEO Cyndi Zagieboylo announced that she plans to retire. The organization denied there was any link between the decision and the recent controversy, stating it was “not sudden and not in any way connected to this.”

Many people posted on X that it was their intention to not donate to the MS Society in the future. I concur. In 2022, Zagieboylo’s salary was listed as $553, 948. Three others made in excess of $300,000, eleven made in excess of $200,000 (many over $250,000) and two others made right around $200,000.  

Not bad money for a non-profit organization. Too bad that those salaries don’t equate to common sense or empathy. The idea that a woman of 90 who had volunteered for 60 years could be dismissed by an email for not understanding a fabricated wokeism tells you all you need to know about this organization and its leadership.

I suggest rather then sending them a check, send them an email, and next to your name instead of pronouns type, … GET/LOST.