Wednesday, February 26, 2025

In Defense of Burned Out Cops and Burned Out Teachers…

If youโ€™re reading this then I donโ€™t know you or your background, but I can tell you that I grew up lower middle class and attended a public school.

And I witnessed and experienced trash, thug behavior that people who live in gated communities obviously never did. 

Our society is filled with a lot of low-life individuals who love to cause problems. This is true of all classes of human beings. But for lower-class people, Lyndon Johnsonโ€™s presidency made matters worse. Thanks to LBJโ€™s Great Society programs, a lot of fathers never stuck around to help raise (and stabilize) the kids they sired with their wives or their baby mamas. A lot of underprivileged kids grew up in homes that were extremely dysfunctional. 

Bottom line: these conditions produce horrible children who turn into horrible adults. 

And teachers and law enforcement officers are the ones who have to put up with their unsavory behavior the most.

What prompted this column?

I am the son of a public-school teacher. Dad died last year. He entered the profession with the best of intentions. My father taught for more than 30 years, often in very challenging conditions, with no support from principals, bureaucrats, or politicians. Stress from his job likely contributed to a heart attack when was in his mid-to-late 40s. For the rest of his life, and as a result of that heart attack and the complications that followed, his health, mentally and physically, took a downward spiral. 

Other teachers tell me stories that match up with Dadโ€™s. One student stabbed a friend of mine in the eye with a pencil. Another former teacher I know got fed up and quit the profession outright, because it wasnโ€™t worth the hassle.

And then there are the law enforcement officers who have it the worst.

They have to interact every day with the most barbaric among us. If those law enforcement officers make one wrong move, even to protect their own lives, then they could end up on the news. Politicians and political and judicial activists could take away the officersโ€™ livelihoods and make them un-hirable anywhere else, or, worst-case-scenario, put them in prison for 20 to 30 years. 

Some law enforcement officers suffer from PTSD. They bring their problems home. By extension, their families also suffer.

Yes, there are bad teachers. Yes, there are crooked cops. But for the good teachers and the good cops who get caught up in and suffer because of this garbage, thank you. 

And, no, this column is not meant to denigrate all lower class people or suggest they are all hellraisers or degnerates. There are many honest, hard-working lower-class people who struggle every day to get ahead and stay afloat. 

But, as stated, LBJโ€™s Great Society programs, among other things, destabilized that segment of society. 

To the underpaid, overworked and undervalued teachers and law enforcement officers who tire of dealing with savages day-in and day-out:

The politicians may not appreciate what you must tolerate. The media may not appreciate you or what you put up with. The people who raised the heathens you interact with every single day may not appreciate you. And the sheltered well-off people who live in gated communities and virtue signal due to class guilt may look down on you.

But as for the honest, law-abiding people who come from poor or middle-class backgrounds and want to live in a civil and just societyโ€ฆ..we love you.

Thank you.

Special thanks to Warhammerโ€™s Wife proofreading this story before publication to make certain there were no misspellings, grammatical errors or other embarrassing mistakes and/or typos. Follow Warhammer on Twitter @Real_Warhammer. Also follow Warhammer on TruthSocial at @Real_Warhammer