Saturday, October 05, 2024
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LOW BOX OFFICE: Hollywood Can Burn in Hell for All I Care

Random thoughts concerning the past two weeks: 

• Just as a matter of etiquette, you’re NOT supposed to say “Happy Memorial Day.”

• Life is hard. Politicians and bureaucrats make it so much harder. (That needs to be a bumper sticker)

• If I owned a business the bottom of each receipt would say “Government Shakedown Money” where it’s supposed to say “Tax.” 

• “The left doesn’t want to be judged on the results of anything they do. They only want to be judged on their good intentions.” — Rush Limbaugh 

• “Politicians have learned to call their spending of the taxpayers’ money ‘investment,’ even when it is just pouring money down a bottomless pit, in order to win votes from the recipients.” — Thomas Sowell 

• My wife and I recently looked for a fern at our local Lowe’s. The instructions said “Keep Only in Shady Places.” We had to put it back where we found it. We need it for our home…not for a gambling den or a crackhouse. 

• The Hollywood industry helped Joe Biden get elected. People have less money and are struggling to stay afloat because Biden is president. There is no money left over to go to the movie theaters anymore. Hollywood’s box office is currently tanking. Hollywood power players brought this on themselves for not having realizing that Democrats are bad for business. To hell with them. 

• Four Important Questions When Communicating with Other People: (1) Does this need to be said? (2) Does this need to be said by me? (3) Right now? (4) In this way? (I heard a pastor say this this past weekend. If applied, it could keep a lot of people out of trouble in the future)

• So many people on my Facebook feed lately talk about how hard it’s been the past few years to make ends meet. So many people say they’ve struggled the past few years with anxiety or depression over events for which they have zero control…..and that prompts even more people in the comments section to open up and say they’re also struggling with the same stuff. Hopefully, the corrupt and otherwise toxic people who have contributed to all of this malaise face some sort of comeuppance….and the sooner the better. If they don’t face it in this world then they’ll certainly face it in the next. 

Special thanks to Warhammer’s Wife proofreading this story before publication to make certain there were no misspellings, grammatical errors or other embarrassing mistakes and/or typos. Follow Warhammer on Twitter @Real_Warhammer. Also follow Warhammer on TruthSocial at @Real_Warhammer