Sunday, February 23, 2025

A Few Good Men Is A Great Movie, This Rino Governor Never Saw It

My favorite movie list is probably not much different from most. “The Godfather” is number one, and “Godfather 2” is probably number two. “Silence of The Lambs” is definitely in the top five, and perhaps surprisingly to some, “A Few Good Men” is in my top ten.

One way I rate movies is that if I’m clicking around and I come across one, do I stop and watch it? “A Few Good Men” is one of those films. One of my favorite parts is Tom Cruise’s opening statement to the jury.

In the film, two Marines (Dawson and Downey) were ordered to do a code red, which is an “in-house” discipline handed out among the enlisted men at the request of their superior officer. Unfortunately, in this case, the victim (Santiago) died from an unrelated condition.

Still, the two Marines were placed under arrest and charged with first-degree murder. This is Cruise’s Opening statement to the jury in defense of the two Marines.

“When Dawson and Downey went into Santiago’s room that night, it wasn’t

because of vengeance or hatred, it wasn’t to kill or harm, and it wasn’t because they were looking for kicks on a Friday night. It’s because it was what they were ordered to do.”

“Let me say that again: It’s because it was what they were ordered to do.

Now, out in the real world, that means nothing. And here at the

Washington Navy Yard it doesn’t mean a whole lot more. But if you’re

a marine assigned to Rifle Security Company Windward, Guantanamo Bay,

Cuba, and you’re given an order, you follow it, or you pack your bags.”

“Make no mistake about it: Harold Dawson and Louden Downey are sitting before you in judgment today because they did their job.”

The Governor of Vermont is a snake in the grass RINO named Phil Scott. In 2020, this coward voted for Biden and, since then, has shown his true colors on every occasion. On Thursday, his state became the first state in the country to force oil and gas companies to pay penalties for “climate change” after arguably the worst RINO governor in America refused to issue a veto.

As reported by Breitbart, S.259, which was signed into law on Thursday, will create a process to assess the accountability of any company involved in the extraction of fossil fuels or the refining of crude oil between January 1, 2000, and December 31, 2019, for the costs related to greenhouse gas emissions.

Furthermore, the legislation will establish the Climate Superfund Cost Recovery Program at the Agency of Natural Resources. This new government program will collect funds from oil and gas companies and allocate the revenue to support projects to build climate change-resilient infrastructure in the state.

Scott, acting like the weak, globalist-controlled puppet that he is, offered up the obligatory meaningless statement. Calling on his best Democratic traits, he blamed his colleagues in arms, apparently forgetting about that little “veto” thing.

“Instead of coordinating with other states like New York and California, with far more abundant resources, Vermont, one of the least populated states with the lowest GDP in the country, has decided to recover costs associated with climate change on its own.”

“I’m deeply concerned about both short- and long-term costs and outcomes. Just look at our unsuccessful nationally focused cases on GMOs, campaign finance, and pharmaceutical marketing practices.”

He’s right; Vermont has a poor track record of accomplishing anything useful.

By failing to do the correct thing, Scott is punishing the state’s citizens. Not only that he has given the Democrats a platform to brag about it. Paul Burns, executive director of the Vermont Public Interest Research Group, issued a written statement celebrating the new law.

“For too long, giant fossil fuel companies have knowingly lit the match of climate disruption without being required to do a thing to put out the fire. Finally, maybe for the first time anywhere, Vermont is going to hold the companies most responsible for climate-driven floods, fires, and heat waves financially accountable for a fair share of the damages they’ve caused.”

Naturally, The American Petroleum Institute isn’t about to take this outrageous miscarriage of power lying down. They issued a statement stating that fact.

“S. 259 “retroactively imposes costs and liability on prior activities that were legal, violates equal protection and due process rights by holding companies responsible for the actions of society at large, and is preempted by federal law.”

Arrogant Vermont Democrat State Representative Martin LaLonde, chair of the House Judiciary Committee, said he was confident the state would ultimately prevail even though “Big Oil” would fight the law in court.

LaLonde is wrong. Vermont is going to lose, and they are going to lose Huge. In the movie, the two marines were acquitted because they were following orders and had committed no crime. The very same outcome is forthcoming for the oil and gas companies in Vermont and any other state that chooses to act in such a narcissistic stupid manner. They, too, will lose, and they too will lose Hugely.

These companies have done nothing illegal. The fact that a few high-handed globalists want to try and behave in a ridiculous, pretentious manner about a cause that doesn’t exist is proof that they care about nothing besides their agenda of lies.

Climate change doesn’t exist, so punishing anyone for supposedly creating it is sheer madness. What a surprise that the Democrats would lead that moronic and unjust cause.